Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just something to think about

I am going to leave you with a quote from St. Dionysius(1st-2nd century). He says,

"Those who are stone deaf to what the sacred sacraments teach also have no eye for the imagery."

I will be gone for a few days in St. Louis, so I won't be posting anything til I get back. I will give my opinion on this quote then. Feel free to leave a comment. I'm interested in opinions.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Class Reunion

Last weekend I had a 40th class reunion. We met on Friday at a local bar owned by one classmate, and reminisced about this and that. Saturday, a few of us golfed in the morning(approx. 13 out of approx. 900 class size). In the late afternoon, we had a get-together and meal with approx. 120 attending(including spouses). It was fun.
In my class, many went on to be quite accomplished in their fields. Professors, teachers, medical professionals, even an actual rocket scientist who works on the shuttle, Hubble etc. These people generally have well-to-do results. Quite impressive, I thought.

I realized how much I don't have in common with these people. Don't really know them very well. I further realized that me, after working 30 years for GM, was just a grunt compared to them. This is in my own mind.

But on further observation, I realized that I am one of the richest of the lot. I have been given the Faith that Jesus Christ Himself started! Being a Roman Catholic is much more worth than anything they have in their successful lives. The more I study, the more I realize that this is where I am supposed to be. To not worry about riches, and topics unimportant to my eternal salvation.

I am truly blessed! :) Thank you Jesus any Mary.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting a kick

Recently I have been getting a kick out of the liberals. They seem to be breaking in the ranks at times. Mostly, these things are considering B.O. and his dumb announcements. Like endorsing the mosque at Ground Zero. Who in their right mind would support this loser/liar of a muslim? There was a poll on the nightly news, saying that: 18% think BO is a muslim; 42% think he is a Christian; and the rest are undecided. How spineless can you get? Some dems are in opposition to his stance, and rightly so. Anyone who supports him and his stances on islam, when he is pretty much stabbing everyone else in the back, will have a lot to answer for when they croak.

Even Harry Reid disagrees on the placement of a mosque where it is intended. What a novel viewpoint, especially from him. Others are starting to question more and more all the time. I love this infighting. I pray for this disunion in liberal thinking every day. I hope one day when they realize who and what they elected, they ask themselves, "What the hell have I done?"

Another thing. I am soooo tired of the government lying about the gulf spill. "It's been cleaned up", "there's no harm to wildlife", "the well is capped", and so on into ad nauseam. There was a fisherman last week saying, "I wouldn't eat this stuff coming out of the gulf". I haven't seen him anymore. Just like the guy who jumped from the platform on the day of the explosion. He told officials that there was a problem an entire week before the disaster! They said, "More production!". Haven't heard from or about him since, either. Where are these guys? The government stifles the ones bold enough to speak the truth.

What is most disturbing is the Feds not telling us about how toxic the dispersant they used to break up the oil is. How it is killing wildlife and flora in the area. Not to mention that many will die eating this toxic seafood. If they really believed the catches are safe, they should be shown on live TV eating the same.

My kids knew they would be disciplined worse if they lied. Why can't these government people be held accountable? Just wait til November!!!!!

Blessed Mother, pray for our great nation. Please?

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today is the Blessed Assumption of the Ever-Virgin Mary into heaven. According to the "City of God", by Mary of Agreda, she died on the 13th of August, a Friday, at 3:00pm. She was in repose until Sunday morning, when she was raised and escorted into Heaven by Her Son. Sound familiar? This is truly a day to celebrate, since the 13th was Friday, and today is the 15th. This is The Day!!!!!
Along with Jesus, there was thousands of Saints, Patriarches, Prophets, and myriads of Angels accompanying Him. What a celebration that must have been, huh!? She followed Her Son in everything throughout her life, even unto death. She pretty much started the Way of The Cross, when she, along with St. John, would trace all of the steps Jesus did on His way to The Cross, stopping at each significant spot.
According to the "City of God" again, she lived to be seventy years of age. She looked, however, the same as she was at the age of 33. She never aged beyond that year.

Oh Holy Mary, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death.
And, please escort into Heaven those for whom we now pray.

Thank you Jesus. What a Glorious day this is!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Extraordinary Mass in Lansing

Hey everybody. You have got to check out Fr. Robineau's site, and read about the "new" assignment. I especially love the ending. Prayers are needed so much!

Here's his site. I hope you get as much of a chuckle as I did.


Just a short note that I read the other day. It comes from a woman who is fighting against the islamization of the world, the U.S. in particular. Her name is Pamela Geller, and she has a web site called:

Her quote: "Evil is made possible by the sanction you give it. Withdraw your sanction."

Monday, August 9, 2010

Growing up too soon

The nightly news had a segment about young girls, as young as 7, reaching puberty already. What do you expect? We're getting hormones in our food, on our crops, along with genetically engineered everything. We're getting gassed by unmarked planes from the air with chem trails, poisoned in our water with extra flouride and other chemicals. We're getting lied to about the oil slick in the Gulf region. Of course they don't see any oil anymore; they've used a toxic dispersant(Corexit) to hide the oil. Even the fishermen in the region admit they wouldn't eat what is coming out of the water. But the FDA says it's okay to eat. Maybe they should be force-fed some of the catches, and see what happens in a year or so after. More people will be getting cancer and dying, and this will help fulfill the "Georgia Guidestones" mandates. Look it up and see for yourself. We need to bump off about 500 million people for the planet to survive. Our government is doing their part, if not too well.

Our beloved government lies to us, no matter what party, and there doesn't seem that we can do much to stop it. The ONLY thing that will help this great country is prayer and getting active. The prince of the world is truly rejoicing at our failures and shortcomings.

I remember hearing tapes of an old Catholic radio show, which always began with: "God is still on the throne and prayer changes things." It's worth a shot!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What we deserve

Well, we got what we deserved on Tuesday, after the primaries. In Michigan, we got a egomaniac going against a man who started a computer business(which is good), while at the same time, calls himself Republican, but thinks the party should dump the right-to-life platform.

Now, to the egomaniac. He is Lansing's current mayor. He is forever running end runs around the city council, pretending that some things are a done deal, when is fact he hasn't even presented them to the council yet. All he does is kiss body parts of developers. He will slam his opponent as much as he can. That's what he does, making up lies to maybe make voters have a little bit of doubt. He has achieved nothing for the city, and now will probably run the state. He's what the damnocrats want.

When our current governor announced before her first election, she said we would be blown away in five years. She was so right! People were blown right out of the state looking for a job.

If this sleazy little greaseball gets into the governor's mansion, things won't blow like the previous administration. They will suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!