Monday, August 9, 2010

Growing up too soon

The nightly news had a segment about young girls, as young as 7, reaching puberty already. What do you expect? We're getting hormones in our food, on our crops, along with genetically engineered everything. We're getting gassed by unmarked planes from the air with chem trails, poisoned in our water with extra flouride and other chemicals. We're getting lied to about the oil slick in the Gulf region. Of course they don't see any oil anymore; they've used a toxic dispersant(Corexit) to hide the oil. Even the fishermen in the region admit they wouldn't eat what is coming out of the water. But the FDA says it's okay to eat. Maybe they should be force-fed some of the catches, and see what happens in a year or so after. More people will be getting cancer and dying, and this will help fulfill the "Georgia Guidestones" mandates. Look it up and see for yourself. We need to bump off about 500 million people for the planet to survive. Our government is doing their part, if not too well.

Our beloved government lies to us, no matter what party, and there doesn't seem that we can do much to stop it. The ONLY thing that will help this great country is prayer and getting active. The prince of the world is truly rejoicing at our failures and shortcomings.

I remember hearing tapes of an old Catholic radio show, which always began with: "God is still on the throne and prayer changes things." It's worth a shot!

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