Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What we deserve

Well, we got what we deserved on Tuesday, after the primaries. In Michigan, we got a egomaniac going against a man who started a computer business(which is good), while at the same time, calls himself Republican, but thinks the party should dump the right-to-life platform.

Now, to the egomaniac. He is Lansing's current mayor. He is forever running end runs around the city council, pretending that some things are a done deal, when is fact he hasn't even presented them to the council yet. All he does is kiss body parts of developers. He will slam his opponent as much as he can. That's what he does, making up lies to maybe make voters have a little bit of doubt. He has achieved nothing for the city, and now will probably run the state. He's what the damnocrats want.

When our current governor announced before her first election, she said we would be blown away in five years. She was so right! People were blown right out of the state looking for a job.

If this sleazy little greaseball gets into the governor's mansion, things won't blow like the previous administration. They will suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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