Friday, July 30, 2010

Finding the right Man

Las Vegas isn't such a bad city, if you stay away from the strip, and the immorality of the casino/downtown area. Recently we've had a relative from there visiting. She also has many other relatives in this area and is visiting them too. She used to have some very extreme ideas about almost everything. we never thought we'd agree with her so much as we have since her conversion. These days, however, she has converted to Christianity, although not reverting to her Catholic roots. As least not yet, anyway. She pronounced that she had finally found a Man who won't let her down, as so many others had. She has found Jesus Christ. Hooray!!!!! Maybe one of these days she will find her way to the Church founded by Christ Himself. We'll keep praying for her. She has found that she is way outnumbered now, as believers are. You know what I mean. The shunning, exclusion, and ridicule. Even in her own family. What a surprise.

I am going to give you a riddle, which I will explain in my next post, if I remember. This woman is my wife's sister's sister, but she is my wife's aunt. Got it yet? I didn't think so. Ha Ha!

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