Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting a kick

Recently I have been getting a kick out of the liberals. They seem to be breaking in the ranks at times. Mostly, these things are considering B.O. and his dumb announcements. Like endorsing the mosque at Ground Zero. Who in their right mind would support this loser/liar of a muslim? There was a poll on the nightly news, saying that: 18% think BO is a muslim; 42% think he is a Christian; and the rest are undecided. How spineless can you get? Some dems are in opposition to his stance, and rightly so. Anyone who supports him and his stances on islam, when he is pretty much stabbing everyone else in the back, will have a lot to answer for when they croak.

Even Harry Reid disagrees on the placement of a mosque where it is intended. What a novel viewpoint, especially from him. Others are starting to question more and more all the time. I love this infighting. I pray for this disunion in liberal thinking every day. I hope one day when they realize who and what they elected, they ask themselves, "What the hell have I done?"

Another thing. I am soooo tired of the government lying about the gulf spill. "It's been cleaned up", "there's no harm to wildlife", "the well is capped", and so on into ad nauseam. There was a fisherman last week saying, "I wouldn't eat this stuff coming out of the gulf". I haven't seen him anymore. Just like the guy who jumped from the platform on the day of the explosion. He told officials that there was a problem an entire week before the disaster! They said, "More production!". Haven't heard from or about him since, either. Where are these guys? The government stifles the ones bold enough to speak the truth.

What is most disturbing is the Feds not telling us about how toxic the dispersant they used to break up the oil is. How it is killing wildlife and flora in the area. Not to mention that many will die eating this toxic seafood. If they really believed the catches are safe, they should be shown on live TV eating the same.

My kids knew they would be disciplined worse if they lied. Why can't these government people be held accountable? Just wait til November!!!!!

Blessed Mother, pray for our great nation. Please?

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