Saturday, August 21, 2010

Class Reunion

Last weekend I had a 40th class reunion. We met on Friday at a local bar owned by one classmate, and reminisced about this and that. Saturday, a few of us golfed in the morning(approx. 13 out of approx. 900 class size). In the late afternoon, we had a get-together and meal with approx. 120 attending(including spouses). It was fun.
In my class, many went on to be quite accomplished in their fields. Professors, teachers, medical professionals, even an actual rocket scientist who works on the shuttle, Hubble etc. These people generally have well-to-do results. Quite impressive, I thought.

I realized how much I don't have in common with these people. Don't really know them very well. I further realized that me, after working 30 years for GM, was just a grunt compared to them. This is in my own mind.

But on further observation, I realized that I am one of the richest of the lot. I have been given the Faith that Jesus Christ Himself started! Being a Roman Catholic is much more worth than anything they have in their successful lives. The more I study, the more I realize that this is where I am supposed to be. To not worry about riches, and topics unimportant to my eternal salvation.

I am truly blessed! :) Thank you Jesus any Mary.

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