Come, O Redeemer of mankind! reveal to us the Virgin's delivery: let all ages be in admiration: for what other birth would have been worthy of God?
Not of man, but of the Holy Ghost, was the Word of God made flesh, and the fruit of the womb ripened.
The Virgin has become Mother, and yet the Mother is still a Virgin. It is the banner of omnipotence which here shines; God has come into His temple.
He comes forth from the royal palace of virginity, as from His bride-chamber, that He may exultantly run the way, as a giant, who is both God and Man.
He comes forth from the Father; He returns to the Father; He descends into hell; He ascends to the throne of God.
Coequal Son of the eternal Father, gird thee with the trophy of the flesh; strengthening the weaknesses of our flesh by thy unfailing power.
Thy crib is already resplendent, and the night breathes forth a new light, the light of Faith; let no night interrupt it, let its brightness be incessant.
Glory be to thee, O Lord, Who wast born of the Virgin! and to the Father and the Holy Ghost, for everlasting ages.
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