A well-known English plant, the Helleborus niger or "Christmas Rose," is a true Christmas flower. Sometimes known as the "Snow Rose" or "Winter Rose," it blooms during the depths of winter in the mountains of Central Europe. One of the easiest and most rewarding of garden plants to grow, the ability of the Christmas Rose to bloom during the darkest months of the year when everything else is frozen solid, makes it a valuable asset to any garden. The Christmas Rose produces flowers from late Fall until early Spring. These evergreen perennials grow to be approximately 15 inches tall and have shiny, dark green leaves of a leathery texture.
Each flower stalk bears a single 2 inch to 4 inch white bloom (often tinged with pink).
By tradition, the Christmas Rose (whose roots are poisonous) should be planted by the door in order that it might welcome Jesus Christ into the home.
The Legend of the Christmas Rose is a charming tale of a little shepherd girl named Madelon.
As Madelon tended to her sheep one cold and wintry night, Wise Men and shepherds passed by Madelon's snow-covered field bearing gifts for the Christ Child. Following, Madelon saw the Magi present gold, myrrh and frankincense to the baby...even the humble shepherds had brought fruits, honey and doves to give to the babe...but Madelon had nothing, not even a simple flower for the Newborn King. Standing outside the stable where Jesus had been born, poor Madelon wept, wishing that she had a gift she could carry to the infant. A watching Angel, taking pity on Madelon, caused the snow at the feet of the small girl feet to vanish, thus revealing a most beautiful white flower whose petals were tipped with pink, formed by the Angel from the tears which had fallen from the eyes of the little shepherdess. Overjoyed, Madelon presented her gift at the manger of the baby Jesus...her gift of the Christmas Rose.
The Legend of the Christmas Rose also has some foundation in this 15th Century poem:
A Rose has sprung from a tender root,
From Jesus, as those of old have sung,
And it bore a flower,
In the middle of a cold winter,
When half spent was the night.
Isaiah foretold it, the Rose I have in mind;
Is Mary the pure, the little flower has brought us.
From God's eternal wisdom, she bore a Child,
And remained pure.
The Flower, so small, whose sweet fragrance fills the air,
Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere;
True man and truer God, helps us out of all sorrows,
Saves from sin and death.
Oh Jesus, until we leave this misery,
Let your help guide us into joy,
In Your Father's Kingdom, where we eternally praise You.
Oh God, allow us this.
Translated from the early 15th century German poem "Es ist ein Ros' Entsprungen." Author unknown.
(I'm sure Christ doesn't need or want anything but for us to give ourselves to Him.)
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