Tuesday, July 30, 2013


In the recent statement of the Holy Father in South America, a few comments. He said: "Who am I to judge?", concerning gay clerics in the Church. That part is true. We are NOT to judge anyone. Period! That is up to God alone. However, he should have gone further. He should have said what the Church has always taught, that homosexuality is not a sin, but that the practice of it IS! He could have done so much more. Instead, he has left the door side open to those who probably should NOT enter the Priesthood. In a way, he was right. In another, he needed to do more. Just sayin'.

Pray for the Holy Father; much more than we probably do. And, pray for all those who are infected with this disoriented disease. We need holy priests to turn back the tide of all that is wrong within the walls!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Fourteen Holy Helpers novena

Tomorrow begins the novena to the Fourteen Holy Helpers. Fourteen Saints, each with a specialty for a different part of the human body, to cure its' ailments, starts, I believe, tomorrow. We could all use some help in our frail bodies, and this is a perfect way to get it. You've heard of them before. I had never heard of them as a group before now, until a friend of mine and my wife died. Her name was Margaret, and she died on the feast day of St. Margaret. When I searched St. Margaret, it said she was one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. And here we are. And, as a note, I don't believe in coincidence. I received a book on the Holy Helpers just yesterday. Just in time for the novena. There's always a reason when we get what we get and when we get it. God always has a plan for us. The Holy Helper common feast day is August 8, so I think this date is right to start it. For each day, we have a prep prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori. There is also in imprimatur attached to this novena.

The Fourteen Holy Helpers

A group of saints invoked with special confidence because they have proven themselves efficacious helpers in adversity and difficulties, are known and venerated under the name Fourteen Holy Helpers. Devotion to these fourteen as a group spread in response to the Black Plague which devastated Europe from 1346 to 1349. Among its symptoms were the tongue turning black, a parched throat, violent headache, fever, and boils on the abdomen. It attacked without warning, robbed its victims of reason, and killed within a few hours; many died without the last Sacraments. Brigands roamed the roads, people suspected of contagion were attacked, animals died, people starved, whole villages vanished into the grave, social order and family ties broke down, and the disease appeared incurable. The pious turned to Heaven, begging the intervention of the saints, praying to be spared or cured. This group devotion began in Germany--the Diocese of Wurzburg having been renowned for its observance. Pope Nicholas V attached indulgences to devotion of the Fourteen Holy Helpers in the 16th century.

Saint Christopher and Saint Giles were invoked against the plague itself. Saint Denis was prayed to for relief from headache, Saint Blaise for ills of the throat, Saint Elmo, for abdominal maladies, Saint Barbara for fever, and Saint Vitus against epilepsy. Saint Pantaleon was the patron of physicians, Saint Cyriacus invoked against temptation on the deathbed, and Saints Christopher, Barbara, and Catherine for protection against a sudden and unprovided-for death. Saint Giles was prayed to for a good confession, and Saint Eustace as healer of family troubles. Domestic animals were also attacked by the plague, and so Saints George, Elmo, Pantaleon, and Vitus were invoked for their protection. Saint Margaret of Antioch is the patron of safe childbirth.

The legends of the Fourteen Holy Helpers are replete with the most glorious examples of heroic firmness and invincible courage in the profession of the Faith, which ought to incite us to imitate their fidelity in the performance of the Christian and social duties. If they, with the aid of God's grace, achieved such victories, why should not we, by the same aid, be able to accomplish the little desired of us? God rewarded His victorious champions with eternal bliss; the same crown is prepared for us, if we but render ourselves worthy of it. God placed the seal of miracles on the intrepid confession of His servants; and a mind imbued with the spirit of faith sees nothing extraordinary therein, because our divine Saviour Himself said, "Amen, amen I say to you, he that believeth in Me, the works that I do, he also shall do, and greater than these shall he do" (John xiv. 12). In all the miraculous events wrought in and by the saints, there appears only the victorious omnipotent power of Jesus Christ, and the living faith in which His servants operated in virtue of this power.

The histories of the saints are called Legends. This word is derived from the Latin, and signifies something that is to be read, a passage the reading of which is prescribed. The legends of the saints are the lives of the holy martyrs and confessors of the Faith. Some of them occur in the Roman Breviary which the Catholic clergy is obliged to read every day.


First Day: The Devotion to the Fourteen Holy Helpers

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: The practice of honoring and invoking the saints to obtain, through their intercession, help in the various needs of body and soul, is as old as the Church. At what period, however, the custom of having recourse to the fourteen saints called Holy Helpers originated, is unknown. Nevertheless it is certain that each one of them was invoked for his intercession with God since his entrance into heaven. Prayer is the Christian's resource in every difficulty: and difficulties and trials are never wanting on earth. Because the needs of mankind on earth are various, the faithful selected certain saints as intercessors in certain cases of distress, and obtained relief; hence these saints came to be regarded as special patrons in such trials, and were called Holy Helpers.

Practice: Make this novena with full confidence in the power of the intercession of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. During their earthly life they devoted their whole energy to the spreading of God's kingdom and the relief and succor of their fellow-men. Much more efficiently can they do so now when they are in the enjoyment of eternal happiness, and can supplicate for us at the very throne of God. The saints can help us through their intercession. God hears their prayers and He wrought miracles to confirm us in this belief, even whilst His servants sojourned here on earth. They desire and are willing to help us. St. Bernard says: "In heaven hearts do not grow cold; they are rather rendered more affectionate and tender. By receiving the crown of justice the saints were not hardened against the sufferings of their brethren on earth." Therefore, in calling on them, have full confidence in their power and ability to come to your aid.

Prayer: We beseech Thee, O Lord, to hear the prayer which we send up to Thee in honor of Thy glorified servants, the Fourteen Holy Helpers: and as we cannot rely upon our own justice, grant our petition through the intercession of those whose merits have made them especially dear to Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Litany and Prayers


Second Day: The Destiny of Man

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: The Holy Helpers faithfully co-operated with God's designs concerning their eternal destiny. No obstacle could prevail on them to stray from the path of duty. Always and everywhere they fulfilled the will of God. You, too, have an eternal destiny. You are not your own master, but belong to God, whose servant and property you are. Therefore you must obey Him, and not your own inclinations; you must do His will, and not your own. God had the right of requiring our submission to Him without giving us a reward, because He is Our Lord; nevertheless He promised to give us Himself in reward for our faithful service. Ought this not be sufficient inducement for us to serve Him zealously and gratefully? Remember, moreover, that you shall be unhappy both in this and in the next world if you do not give yourself entirely to God, for Whom you were created. St. Augustine says: "Thou hast created us for Thee, O Lord, and our heart remains restless till it rests in Thee."

Practice: Thank God for the undeserved grace of creation and redemption. Make an act of contrition for having served Him so negligently. Promise amendment, and invoke the aid of God's grace through the intercession of the Holy Helpers.

Prayer: O God, Who according to the decrees of Thy providence hast created man for eternal bliss; grant, through the intercession of the Holy Helpers, that I may attain to my destiny by being united with Thee in this life and loving and praising Thee forever in heaven. Amen.

Litany and Prayers


Third Day: The Virtue of Faith

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: The Holy Helpers were so thoroughly imbued with the virtue of divine faith, that they believed its sacred truths with perfect abandonment of their intellect, will, liberty, and whole being. They wavered not amid the severest torments, but remained firm until death in the confession of Christ. Our time is noted for assaults on the Faith and on the Church that teaches it. The Church, the depository of divine revelation, is blasphemed in her doctrine, in her precepts, in her sacraments, in her ministers, in her cult, in her entire essence. Were you never ashamed of your Catholic name? What cowardliness, what timidity, what downright malice!

Practice: Revive your faith by the consideration of the example of the Holy Helpers. Do not, from human respect, neglect the sanctification of the Lord's Day, the observance of days of fast and abstinence, the reception of the holy sacraments, the profession of your belief in the real presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, etc. Meditate frequently on the words of Christ: "He that shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father Who is in heaven" (Matt, x. 33).

Prayer: O God, I beseech Thee, through the faith of the Holy Helpers, grant me the grace to treasure in my heart the doctrines of our holy faith, to believe them firmly, to confess them bravely, and to live according to their precepts, that through that same faith I may become worthy to be admitted to Thy beatific vision in heaven. Amen.

Litany and Prayers


Fourth Day: The Virtue of Hope

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: "Hope confoundeth not" (Rom. v. 6). According to the commentators these words of Holy Scripture are to be understood in the sense that our works must be in conformity with that which is the object of our hope; that is, we must live in such a manner that we really merit the reward of heaven. We sin against hope also by presumption in God's mercy, by despair, and by over-confidence in our own righteousness. According to Holy Scripture we cannot, of our own efficacy, perform a good act, but can do all in Him that strengthens us. All these truths are exemplified in the lives of the Holy Helpers. Their hope was based on the firm foundation of faith, and consequently, like it, firm, constant, and unwavering.

Practice: Like the Holy Helpers, hope to obtain from God all things necessary to salvation, for "the Lord is good to them that hope in Him, to the soul that seeketh Him" (Lam. iii. 25). Live so that He can fulfill His promises. Place no obstacle to His bounty and might by a sinful life.

Prayer: Eternal God of love and mercy, I thank Thee for all the benefits Thou hast conferred upon me, and hope to obtain, through the intercession of the Holy Helpers, all the graces necessary for my salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Litany and Prayers


Fifth Day: The Love God

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: The love of God which inflamed the Holy Helpers showed forth in their whole life, and particularly at their death. We, too, ought to be inflamed with such love, for without it faith, wisdom, the gift of tongues, and good works in general, avail nothing; for the love of God must inspire them all. "And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good" (Rom. viii. 28). Such, and such alone, will receive the crown of life. Did not God love us first? To redeem us from sin and eternal death He spared not His only begotten, divine Son. All goods of life and fortune are gifts of His love, evidences of His infinite love. And we find it difficult to return this love? How ungrateful not to love God with your whole heart!

Practice: Imitate the Holy Helpers in their ardent love of God. Implore their intercession to obtain it. Meditate often on God's love for you, and your heart will be enflamed with love for Him.

Prayer: O God of mercy and love, I thank Thee from all my heart for the countless graces which Thy infinite love has bestowed on me. By the ardent love which the Holy Helpers had for Thee, I implore Thee to enkindle in my heart the flame of Thy love, so that I may remain in Thee and Thou in me. Amen.

Litany and Prayers


Sixth Day: The Virtue of Charity

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: Charity is one of the fundamental virtues of the Christian religion. The moral doctrine preached by Christ is comprised in the words: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets" (Matt. xxii. 37-40). As in everything else, the Holy Helpers are our exemplars also in charity. Charity consists in wishing well to our fellow-men, rejoicing with the glad and sympathizing with the sad, doing good to all, excusing their faults whenever possible, disclosing them only when necessary, being friendly, indulgent, meek, and helpful toward them. We love our neighbor if we succor the poor and distressed, if we harbor no envy for the rich, if we esteem the just for their virtue, and hate--not the sinner--but sin. We love our neighbor if we are not content with harboring these sentiments in our heart, but show them by our actions.

Practice: Endeavor to exercise this charity according to the spirit of Christ. The love of your neighbor must not be a sentimental affection; it must not originate in casual qualities of character or rank, in inclination, etc., but must have the love of God for its motive. We must exercise charity toward all because God wills it, and in the manner in which He wills it. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Prayer: O God of charity, Who dost will that I love my neighbor for Thy sake, grant me the grace, through the intercession of the Holy Helpers, to be animated with that spirit of charity which embraces all and excludes none, which "is patient, kind, envieth not, dealeth not perversely, is not puffed up, is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things, and never falleth away" (1 Cor. xiii. 4-8). Amen.

Litany and Prayers


Seventh Day: Human Respect

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: By the conscientious fulfillment of the duties of their state of life the Holy Helpers show us that the will of God alone was the motive of all their actions. Human respect, regard for the opinion of others, did not influence them. The cowardly fear, "What will people say?" was the ruin of many a soul. The enemy of mankind is ever intent upon preventing us from doing good through human respect. He insinuates that virtue and piety are out of date and ridiculed. From human respect many a person boasts of that which ought to make him blush; he thinks it discreditable to be less remiss in his religious obligations than others. Ought the opinion and ridicule of the world influence us to prevent our pleasing God? St. Paul says: "If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ" (Gal. i. 10). Our Lord Himself tells us, "He that shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father Who is in heaven" (Matt. x. 33).

Practice: Our Lord says: "So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in heaven" (Matt. v. 16). Do not stray from the path of duty on account of human respect; do not let yourself be influenced by the judgments of the world.

Prayer: Merciful God, Who gavest the Holy Helpers the grace to fulfill Thy will regardless of human respect; grant that we may obtain through their intercession and merits the courage to despise the opinion of men, and ever serve Thee with a fearless heart. Amen.

Litany and Prayers


Eighth Day: Prayer

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: The Holy Helpers, well knowing the efficacy of prayer, assiduously devoted themselves to it. From it they drew that wonderful strength which sustained them in their combat for the Faith. Prayer is the elevation of the mind to God, intercourse with Him by acts of adoration, praise, thanksgiving, and petition. St. Chrysostom says of prayer: "Without prayer it is impossible to lead a good life; for no one can practice virtue except he humbly implores God for it, Who alone can give him the necessary strength. Who ceases to love and practice prayer, no longer possesses the gifts of the Spirit. But he that perseveres in the service of God, and deems it an irreparable loss to miss constant prayer, possesses every virtue and is a friend of God."

Practice: Offer yourself at the beginning of each day to God, and thereby you will belong to Him throughout its whole course. Renew your consecration to Him frequently during the day by short acts of virtue and especially by a good intention, thus rendering all your work a prayer, and you will attain perfection.

Prayer: O God, I implore Thee through the merits and intercession of the Holy Helpers, to grant me the spirit of prayer, that following their example I may walk in Thy presence and ever enjoy the consolation of intercourse with Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Litany and Prayers


Ninth Day: Perseverance

Preparatory Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

Great princes of heaven, Holy Helpers, who sacrificed to God all your earthly possessions, wealth, preferment, and even life, and who now are crowned in heaven in the secure enjoyment of eternal bliss and glory; have compassion on me, a poor sinner in this vale of tears, and obtain for me from God, for Whom you gave up all things and Who loves you as His servants, the strength to bear patiently all the trials of this life, to overcome all temptations, and to persevere in God's service to the end, that one day I too may be received into your company, to praise and glorify Him, the supreme Lord, Whose beatific vision you enjoy, and Whom you praise and glorify forever. Amen.

Meditation: Victorious death was the reward of the Holy Helpers' perseverance in the service of God. During this novena you have, no doubt, formed many good resolutions, exclaiming with the Royal Prophet, "And I said, now I have begun" (Ps. Ixxvi. 11). But it happens that many, despite their good will, become remiss in the pursuit of virtue. Satan is assiduously trying to accomplish their ruin, representing to them and exaggerating the difficulties to be encountered on the path of virtue. They hesitate, falter, and finally turn back. This is the most unfortunate happening that can occur. Of the condition of such a one Our Lord Himself says: "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through places without water, seeking rest; and not finding, he saith: 'I will return into my house whence I came out.' And when he is come, he findeth it swept and garnished. Then he goeth and taketh with him seven spirits more wicked than himself, and entering in they dwell there. And the last state of that man becometh worse than the first" (Luke xi. 24-26). Are these words not a sufficient warning to encourage us to persevere in our good resolves?

Practice: In concluding this novena, survey again the depth of that incomprehensible eternity which is awaiting you. Contemplate in spirit the endless chain of centuries following each other there in reward or in punishment. Does this thought not banish all the difficulties of perseverance?

Prayer: O God, Whose mercies are infinite and whose goodness is without limit, I beseech Thee through the merits and intercession of the Holy Helpers, grant me the grace of perseverance in Thy love and service to the end. Thou, Who dost dispense so many favors through the Holy Helpers, despise not my prayer, but graciously hear and grant it. Amen.

Litany of the Fourteen Holy Helpers

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, queen of martyrs,
pray for us*

St. Joseph, helper in all needs,*
Fourteen Holy Helpers,*
St. George, valiant martyr of Christ,*
St. Blase, zealous bishop and benefactor of the poor,*
St. Erasmus, mighty protector of the oppressed,*
St. Pantaleon, miraculous exemplar of charity,*
St. Vitus, special protector of chastity,*
St. Christophorus, mighty intercessor in dangers,*
St. Dionysius, shining mirror of faith and confidence,*
St. Cyriacus, terror of hell,*
St. Achatius, helpful advocate in death,*
St. Eustachius, exemplar of patience in adversity,*
St. Giles, despiser of the world,*
St. Margaret, valiant champion of the Faith,*
St. Catherine, victorious defender of the Faith and of purity,*
St. Barbara, mighty patroness of the dying,*
All ye Holy Helpers,*
All ye saints of God,*
In temptations against faith,*
In adversity and trials,*
In anxiety and want,*
In every combat,*
In every temptation,*
In sickness,*
In all needs,*
In fear and terror,*
In dangers of salvation,*
In dangers of honor,*
In dangers of reputation,*
In dangers of property,*
In dangers by fire and water,*

Be merciful, spare us, O Lord!
Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Lord!

From all sin,
Deliver us, O Lord.**

From Thy wrath,**
From the scourge of earthquake,**
From plague, famine, and war,**
From lightning and storms,**
From a sudden and unprovided death,**
From eternal damnation,**
Through the mystery of Thy holy incarnation,**
Through Thy birth and Thy life,**
Through Thy cross and passion,**
Through Thy death and burial,**
Through the merits of Thy blessed Mother Mary,**
Through the merits of the Fourteen Holy Helpers,**
On the Day of Judgment, deliver us, O Lord!**
We sinners, beseech Thee, hear us.**

That Thou spare us,
We beseech Thee, hear us.***

That Thou pardon us,***
That Thou convert us to true penance,***
That Thou give and preserve the fruits of the earth,***
That Thou protect and propagate Thy holy Church,***
That Thou preserve peace and concord among the nations, ***
That Thou give eternal rest to the souls of the departed,***
That Thou come to our aid through the intercession of the Holy Helpers, ***
That through the intercession of St. George Thou preserve us in the Faith, ***
That through the intercession of St. Blase Thou confirm us in hope, ***
That through the intercession of St. Erasmus Thou enkindle in us Thy holy love,***
That through the intercession of St. Pantaleon Thou give us charity for our neighbor,***
That through the intercession of St. Vitus Thou teach us the value of our soul, ***
That through the intercession of St. Christophorus Thou preserve us from sin, ***
That through the intercession of St. Dionysius Thou give us tranquillity of conscience, ***
That through the intercession of St. Cyriacus Thou grant us resignation to Thy holy will,***
That through the intercession of St. Eustachius Thou give us patience in adversity, ***
That through the intercession of St. Achatius Thou grant us a happy death, ***
That through the intercession of St. Giles Thou grant us a merciful judgment, ***
That through the intercession of St. Margaret Thou preserve us from hell, ***
That through the intercession of St. Catherine Thou shorten our purgatory, ***
That through the intercession of St. Barbara Thou receive us in heaven, ***
That through the intercession of all the Holy Helpers Thou wilt grant our prayers, ***

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us, O Lord.

V. Pray for us, ye Fourteen Holy Helpers.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promise of Christ.

Let us Pray

Almighty and eternal God, who hast bestowed extraordinary graces and gifts on Thy saints George, Blase, Erasmus, Pantaleon, Vitus, Christophorus, Dionysius, Cyriacus, Eustachius, Achatius, Giles, Margaret, Catherine, and Barbara, and hast illustrated them by miracles; we beseech Thee to graciously hear the petitions of all who invoke their intercession. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God, who didst miraculously fortify the Fourteen Holy Helpers in the confession of the Faith; grant us, we beseech Thee, to imitate their fortitude in overcoming all temptations against it, and protect us through their intercession in all dangers of soul and body, so that we may serve Thee in purity of heart and chastity of body. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Invocation of the Holy Helpers

Fourteen Holy Helpers, who served God in humility and confidence on earth and are now in the enjoyment of His beatific vision in heaven; because you persevered till death you gained the crown of eternal life. Remember the dangers that surround us in this vale of tears, and intercede for us in all our needs and adversities. Amen.

Fourteen Holy Helpers, select friends of God, I honor you as mighty intercessors, and come with filial confidence to you in my needs, for the relief of which I have undertaken to make this novena. Help me by your intercession to placate God's wrath, which I have provoked by my sins, and aid me in amending my life and doing penance. Obtain for me the grace to serve God with a willing heart, to be resigned to His holy will, to be patient in adversity and to persevere unto the end, so that, having finished my earthly course, I may join you in heaven, there to praise for ever God, who is wonderful in His saints. Amen.


Concluding Prayer of Entire Novena:
(to be said at the conclusion of Day 9)

O Faithful servants of God and powerful protectors of man, Holy Helpers! Since Our Lord appointed you the heavenly advocates for our needs on earth, I confidently turn to you for help in my distress. Countless numbers praise you for aiding them with counsel in doubt, with consolation in anxiety, with health in illness, with safety in danger, with delivery from prison, and with help and assistance in all tribulations. Therefore I, too, have recourse to you, and implore you not to refuse me your aid.

Give thanks to God for me for all the graces He granted me during this novena. I ascribe them to your great merits and powerful intercession. I thank you all together, and each one in particular, for your interest in my favor before the throne of God. I commend myself to your continued protection, that I may one day be united with you in heaven, there to thank the Giver of all good things and to praise Him for all eternity. Amen.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

10th Sunday after Pentecost

Tomorrow is the 10th Sunday after Pentecost. Prepare to be humbled! From the Gospel of St. Luke, we hear the Pharisee bragging on just how much he gives to the temple, how much he prays, saying how much he is not like all those others. To me, he, just like so many in our world, have become legends in their own minds. Good luck with that. God will humble you in His own time, and, if you resist, will cast you into everlasting fire. Pure and simple as that. Commenting on this passage from Scripture, Venerable Bede explains the mystery:

'The pharisee is the Jewish people, who boasts of the merits he has acquired to himself by observing the precepts of the law; the publican is the Gentile, who, being far off from God, confesses his sins. The pharisee, by reason of his pride, has to depart in humiliation; the publican, by lamenting his miseries, merits to draw nigh to God--that is, to be exalted. It is of these two people, and of every man who is proud or humble, that it is written: 'The heart of a man is exalted before destruction, and it is humbled before he be glorified.'

Our beloved Abbot speaks: 'Humility, which produces within us this salutary fear, is the virtue that makes man know his right place, with regard both to God and to his fellow men. It rests on the deep-rooted conviction, put into our hearts by grace, that God is everything, and that we, by nature, are nothingness, nay, less than nothingness, because we have degraded ourselves by sin. Reason is able, of herself alone, to convince anyone, who takes the trouble to reflect, of the nothingness of a creature; but such conviction, if it remain a mere theoretical conclusion, is not humility: it is a conviction which forces itself on the devil in hell, whose vexation at such a truth is the chief of his rage. As faith, which reveals to us what God is in the supernatural order, does not come from mere reason, nor remain confined to the intellect alone, so neither does humility, which teaches us what we ourselves are: that it may be true, real virtue, it must move our will also. At the same time that this Holy Spirit fills our souls with the knowledge of their littleness and misery, He also sweetly leads them to the acceptance and love of this truth, which reason, if left entirely to herself, would be tempted to look on as a disagreeable thought.'

Some thoughts:

Why did Christ make use of' this parable of the Pharisee and the Publican?

To teach us never proudly to condemn or despise a man, even though he should appear impious, for we may be deceived like the Pharisee who despised the Publican, whom he considered a great sinner, while, in reality, the man was justified before God on account of his repentant spirit.

What should we do before entering a Church?

We should reflect that we are going into the house of God, should therefore think what we are about to say to Him, and what we wish to ask of Him. That we may make ourselves less unworthy to be heard, we should humble ourselves as did Abraham, remembering that we are dust and ashes, and on account of our sins unworthy to appear before the eyes of God, much less to address Him , for He listens to the prayers of the humble only, (Ps. CI, 18.) and gives them His grace, while He resists the proud. (James IV. 6.)

Was the Pharisee's prayer acceptable to God?

No, for it was no prayer, but boasting and ostentation; he praised himself, and enumerated his apparent good works. But in despising others and judging them rashly he sinned grievously instead of meriting God's grace.

Was the Publican's prayer acceptable to God?

Yes, for though short, it was humble and contrite. He stood afar off, as if to acknowledge himself unworthy of the presence of God and intercourse with men. He stood with downcast eyes, thus showing that he considered himself because of his sins unworthy to look towards heaven, even confessed himself a sinner, and struck his breast to punish, as St. Augustine says, the sins which he had committed in his heart: This is why we strike our breast at certain times during Mass, for by this we acknowledge ourselves miserable sinners, and that we are sorry for our sins.


We should learn from this gospel that God looks upon the humble and exalts them, but is far from the proud. (Ps. CXXXVII. 6.) The Pharisee went to the temple entirely wrapped up in himself, and the good works which he thought he had performed, but returned empty and hated by God; the Publican, on the contrary, appearing before God as a public but penitent sinner, returned justified. Truly, a humble sinner is better in the sight of God than a proud just man!

He who glories in his own good works, or performs them to please men, or to win their praise, loses his merit in the eyes of the most High, for Christ says: Take heed that you do not your justice before men, to be seen by them: otherwise you shall not have a reward of your Father who is in heaven. (Matt. VI. 1.)

In order that we may learn to despise vain glory, these doctrines should be well borne in mind. The ambitious man avariciously seeking glory and honor will find, when dying, that the merit which he might have had for his good works, is now lost to him, because he did not labor for the honor of God. To prevent such an evil, strive at the commencement of every good work which you undertake, to turn your heart to God by a good intention.

But that you may plainly recognize this vice, which generally keeps itself concealed, and that you may avoid it, know that pride is an inordinate love of ostentation, and an immoderate desire to surpass others in honor and praise. The proud man goes beyond himself, so to speak, makes far more of himself than he really is, and, like the Pharisee, despises others; the humble man, on the contrary, has a low estimate of himself, looks upon himself as nothing and, like the Publican, despises no one but himself, and thus is pleasing in the sight of God. (DON'T BE A LEGEND IN YOUR MIND! Remember; 'Blessed are the meek.')

ASPIRATION O God, who hears the prayers of the humble, but resists the proud, I earnestly beseech Thee to give me an humble heart, that I may imitate, the humility of Thy only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and thereby merit to be exalted with Him in heaven.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Feast of St. Anne

Today is the Feast of St. Anne, the mother of our Blessed Mother Mary. I like to call her the ark of the ark of the covenant. The Jewish nation had the holy 'Ark of the Covenant'. That is no more, despite what the Jews of today think. It is done. Finito! Jesus is the New and everlasting Covenant. In a mystical way, because of this, Mary is an ark in a sense. Hence, she is the Ark of the New Covenant. She carried this New Covenant within her for nine months. And, if she is the ark, her mother Anne is an ark also. Mary was Immaculately conceived in this womb, and was made clean of all original sin, which we all inherited. She didn't get this mark upon her soul. St. Anne, along with her husband Joachim, are honored together on this day. She can help us also in our daily struggles if we ask.

Our beloved Abbot Gueranger states is as such:

'Anne was, as it were, the starting point of redemption, the horizon scanned by the prophets, the first span of the heavens to be empurpled with the rising fires of dawn; the blessed soil whose produce was so pure as to make the angels believe that Eden had been restored to us. But in the midst of the incomparable peace that surrounds her, let us hail her as the land of victory surpassing the most famous fields of battle; as the sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception, where our humiliated race took up the combat begun before the throne of God by the angelic hosts; where the serpent's head was crushed, and Michael, now surpassed in glory, gladly handed over to his sweet Queen, at the first moment of her existence, the command of the Lord's armies.'

She had been barren well into her old age, and, because of this, was kind of shunned by those around her daily. They considered this a punishment from God. She could not bear children. People are so petty, aren't they? Our Abbot continues: 'She furnished the body of her who was to give flesh to the Son of God; she nourished her with floods of milk; she gave to her, who was inundated with floods of divine light, the first practical notions of life. In the education of her illustrious daughter, Anne played the part of a true mother: not only did she guide Mary's first steps, but she co-operated with the Holy Ghost in the education of her soul and the preparation for her incomparable destiny; until, when the work had reached the highest development to which she could bring it, she, without a moment's hesitation or a thought of self, offered her tenderly loved child to Him from whom she had received her. "Sic fingit tabernaculum Deo", which means: 'Thus she frames a tabernacle for God.'

The following is taken from the web site: calefactory.org
If you go to it, click on the calendar for Holy days and Saints. I hope they don't mind if I copied this. I don't mind if somebody wants to copy and paste what they see here.

Mother of the Blessed Virgin
(†ca. 3 B.C.)

Saint Anne, chosen by God to be the mother of Mary, His own Blessed Mother on earth, was the spouse of Saint Joachim. Ancestor of the Eternal King and High Priest, Joachim was of the royal house of David, while Anne was of Levitical descent. Their lives were wholly occupied with prayer and good works. One thing only was wanting to their union - they were childless, and this was held as a bitter misfortune among the Jews. At length, when Anne was well advanced in age, Mary was born, the fruit rather of grace than of nature, and the child more of God than of man.

With the birth of Mary the holy matron began a new life; she watched Her every movement with reverent tenderness, and, aware of the little one's destiny, felt herself hourly sanctified by the presence of her Immaculate Child. But she had vowed her daughter to God; to God the child Mary had already consecrated Herself, and to Him Anne gave Her back. Mary was three years old when Anne and Joachim led Her to the Temple steps, saw Her pass by Herself into the inner sanctuary, and then saw Her no more. Thus was Anne left childless in her old age, and deprived of her purest earthly joy. The holiest parents on earth could not, in the plan of God, raise this Child as was needed: Mary had to suffer from Her earliest years. Saint Anne and Saint Joachim humbly adored the Divine Will, and continued to watch and pray, until God called them to unending rest.

France and Canada possess the principal sanctuaries of Saint Anne: in France, at Apt in Provence, and at Auray in Britanny; in Canada at Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré in the Province of Quebec. At Apt the discovery in 792 of Saint Anne's relics, brought by Lazarus and his two sisters to France, was wholly miraculous, authenticated by the presence of Charlemagne during the discovery, and the signature of Pope Adrian I on the written account of the facts.

Reflection: Saint Anne is glorious among the Saints, not only as the mother of Mary, but because she gave Mary to God. Learn from her to reverence a religious vocation as the highest privilege, and to sacrifice every natural bond, however holy, at the call of God.

The folllowing is a picture Of St. Anne, the Grandmother of Jesus, alongside of Mary and Jesus.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Loss of a friend :(

This past Saturday, we lost a dear friend. Her name is Margaret. We called her Marge. She was one of those responsible in helping me learn the Faith when I converted. Not at first, but later into my studies. She, incidentally, died on the feast day of St. Margaret of Antioch. Interesting!? She was VERY devoted to our Blessed Mother. She pressed on to anyone who would listen, and I'm sure to anyone who wouldn't, the necessity of praying the Most Holy Rosary of our Mother every day. This should help her greatly. Remember when our Blessed Mother said that those who would remain faithful to her, that she would she herself deliver them from Purgatory on the first Saturday after their death. That's pretty neat, huh?

The only bad part beside missing her is that her kids are NOT getting her a Requiem Mass which she desperately wanted. In fact, she is not getting a Mass at all! Too Bad. What a shame! Just a memorial service at the cemetery. This is what happens when your kids don't believe like you, especially if you attend a Traditional Mass. Like many, they call themselves Catholic, but their actions disapprove it. All I can say is: Take the steps necessary to have a Requiem Mass pre-arranged before you die. Just sayin'!

Friday, July 19, 2013

9th Sunday after Pentecost

Tomorrow is the 9th Sunday after Pentecost. We hear about Jesus overlooking the eternal city of Jerusalem. He knows that he is to be condemned and put to death, being nailed to the Cross. He weeps and laments, because He knows that this city will eventually be destroyed. This happened in the year of 70 A.D. Just so it happens, this is a few years after His Apostles, Peter and Paul, we killed on the same day (June 29) in the year of 67 A.D. Coincidence, I think NOT! According to our beloved Abbot Gueranger:

'As the God-Man had said, the terrible day came suddenly, and as a snare, upon this immense assemblage of people. The empire(Roman) was in the hands of Vespasian; the prosperous fortune of Rome was re-established on the whole of the frontiers; and Titus had just reached Caesarea, with orders to put an end to the eastern question. He sent word to the legions then in Judea to effect, from the respective points they occupied, a joint concentration towards the capital. When the tenth legion marched from Jericho and was seen encamped on Mount Olivet--that is, on the very place where Jesus wept as He looked on Jerusalem, and foretold the siege which ws ot be its ruin--the unexpected arrival of the Romans alarmed the pilgrims, and made them busy themselves with preparations for a battle, rather than for the solemnization of the Pasch(which was nearing). the several parties agreed to forget, at least for a day, their own animosities, and unite all their forces together; they made two desperate sallies, for the purpose of dislodging the enemy form the Mount; but each time they were repelled.

The Pasch which is about to be celebrated is, as ever, and now more than ever, the Passover of the Lord; but the Lord is no longer leading the sons of Jacob to their deliverance by it. Juda has made himself the enemy of the Lamb, whose blood should be the sign of the redeemed of the Pasch. Whilst the blood of this divine Lamb is enriching the whole earth, whilst the light of the vanquisher of death is illumining the whole world, Juda is there, obstinately keeping to his figures and shadows. More stiff-necked than the Egyptian, and more guilty than Pharoah, he would, if he could, hold the true Israel in the trammels of his own slavish law, just as he once vainly tried to make the true Son of God an everlasting prisoner in the tomb. As to Jesus, He has, years ago, set Himself free; and now, more terrible than He was in Mesraim, He is passing over, as the avenger both of Himself and of His Church. The Pasch--the feast of feasts, whose memory is every Sunday brought back to us--is now about to receive its final completion. On the Tuesday of our Easter, we were saying: 'How terrible will be the passage of the Lord over Jerusalem, when the sword of the Roman legions shall destroy a whole people!"'

This is pure and simple history. When Jesus died on the Cross, the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom. (keep in mind that this was approximately 40ft. high) At that moment, the old system of the Old Testament was over, with the new to take over. The obstinate Jews refused to believe in God becoming man, and thus, refused all of His teachings, along with the continued teachings of His Apostles. The high priests had said: "Let it be on our heads and on the heads of our grandchildren." Okay, have it your way. Good luck with that!

Jesus wept over Jerusalem, and also told them that they had made his temple into a den of thieves. I see it this way, considering what has happened to the Church in the past 50+ years, that they have given it away instead of selling it. BEWARE of the wolves who are dressed in sheep's clothing!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

This is the day when we honor our Blessed Mother as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Mt. Carmel is a mountain in Israel. Elias and Elisha, as we as Jeremiah, went to this mountain to pray and get guidance. They received visions of a cloud when they were there. I'm thinking, that Our Mother was already chosen to conquer the wicked serpent in the book of Genesis, that maybe somehow, her spirit was in this cloud, since she had not been born yet. Our Lady appeared there in person as well in later years. She gave the Brown Scapular to a Simon Stock, an Englishman, in the 13th century. It was given to strengthen those who had built a shrine on Mt. Carmel, and become monks there. This scapular is described as two pieces of wool attached with a double cord, which goes around the neck. It usually has a picture of Our Lady on it as 'Our Lady of Mt. Carmel'. It also has this promise which our Blessed Mother gave to Simon Stock; that "Whosoever dies wearing this scapular will not suffer eternal fire." Pretty neat, huh? There is also what is called the 'Sabbantine' privilege, which comes from the word 'sabbath', which to us is Saturday. She promised that on the first Saturday after our death, that she would herself come to purgatory and take us to eternal happiness. She will strengthen us also by wearing one. I like that. We need all the help we can get. Of course, we have to be in the state of grace to receive this privilege. This only makes sense.

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us and for the Church

Monday, July 15, 2013

Declaration of war--I think NOT!!!

The following was written to the Vatican, with the three Bishops from the Pius X group, doing some venting of their own. And now, the Cardinal in charge of speaking with them has decided he doesn't want to deal with them anymore. I wonder if this has anything to do with Traditional groups not agreeing with him on his pronouncements. Anyway, here is the Pius X Bishops' response to the travesty that has been going on in the Church for far too long.

Declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the episcopal consecrations (30th June 1988 – 27th June 2013)

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the episcopal consecrations, the bishops of the Society of Saint Pius X would like to express solemnly their gratitude to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer for the heroic step they courageously took on June 30, 1988. Most especially they would like to express their filial gratitude towards their venerable founder who, after so many years spent serving the Church and the Sovereign Pontiff, so as to safeguard the Faith and the Catholic priesthood, did not hesitate to suffer the unjust accusation of disobedience.
In his letter addressed to us before the consecrations, he wrote, “I beseech you to remain attached to the See of Peter, to the Roman Church, Mother and Mistress of all churches, in the integral Catholic Faith, as expressed in the Professions of Faith, in the catechism of the Council of Trent, in conformity with that which you have been taught in the seminary. Remain faithful to the transmission of this Faith so that the reign of Our Lord may come.” It is indeed this phrase which expresses the profound reason for the act which he was going to undertake “so that the reign of Our Lord might come,” adveniat regnum tuum!
Following Archbishop Lefebvre, we affirm that the cause of the grave errors which are in the process of demolishing the Church does not reside in a bad interpretation of the conciliar texts – a “hermeneutic of rupture” which would be opposed to a “hermeneutic of reform in continuity” – but truly in the texts themselves, by virtue of the unheard of choice made by Vatican II. This choice is manifest in its documents and in its spirit; faced with “secular and profane humanism,” faced with the “religion (as indeed it is) of man who makes himself God,” the Church as unique custodian of Revelation “of God who became man” has wanted to make known its “new humanism” by saying to the modern world, “we too, we more than any other, have the cult of man.” (Paul VI, closing speech, 7th December 1965). But this coexistence of the cult of God and the cult of man is radically opposed to the Catholic Faith which teaches us to render the supreme cult and to give the primacy exclusively to the one true God and to only His Son, Jesus Christ, in whom “dwelleth all the fullness of the Divinity corporeally” (Col. 2:9).
We are truly obliged to observe that this Council without comparison, which wanted to be merely pastoral and not dogmatic, inaugurated a new type of magisterium, hitherto unheard of in the Church, without roots in Tradition; a magisterium resolved to reconcile Catholic doctrine with liberal ideas; a magisterium imbued with the modernist ideas of subjectivism, of immanentism and of perpetual evolution according to the false concept of a living tradition, vitiating the nature, the content, the role and the exercise of ecclesiastical magisterium.
Henceforth the reign of Christ is no longer the preoccupation of the ecclesiastical authorities, despite the fact that Christ’s words, “all power is given to me on earth and in heaven,” (Mt 28:18) remain an absolute truth and an absolute reality. To deny them in action is tantamount to no longer recognising in practice the divinity of Our Lord. Hence because of the Council, the sovereignty of Christ over human societies is simply ignored, and even combatted, and the Church is imbued with this liberal spirit which manifests itself especially in religious liberty, ecumenism, collegiality and the New Mass.
Religious Liberty, as exposed by Dignitatis humanae and its practical application these last fifty years, logically leads to demanding God-made-Man to renounce His reign over man-who-makes-himself-God, which is equivalent to dissolving Christ. In the place of a conduct which is inspired by a solid faith in the real power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we see the Church being shamefully guided by human prudence and with such self-doubt that she asks nothing other from the State than that which the Masonic Lodges wish to concede to her: the common law in the midst of, and on the same level as, other religions which she no longer dares call false.
In the name of a ubiquitous ecumenism (Unitatis redintegratio) and of a vain inter-religious dialogue (Nostra Aetate), the truth about the one true Church is silenced; also, as a large part of the clergy and the faithful no longer see in Our Lord and the Catholic Church the unique way of salvation, they have renounced to convert the adepts of false religions, leaving them rather in ignorance of the unique Truth. This ecumenism has thus literally killed the missionary spirit through seeking a false unity, too often reducing the mission of the Church to that of delivering a message of a purely terrestrial peace and of a humanitarian role of lessening want in the world, placing it thereby in the wake of international organisations.
The weakening of faith in Our Lord’s divinity favours a dissolution of the unity of authority in the Church, by introducing a collegial, egalitarian and democratic spirit, (see Lumen Gentium). Christ is no longer the head from which everything flows, in particular the exercise of authority. The Sovereign Pontiff who no longer exercises effectively the fullness of his authority, and the bishops who – contrary to the teaching of Vatican I – esteem that they can collegially and habitually share the fullness of the supreme power, commit themselves thereby, with the priests, to listen to and to follow ‘the people of God,’ the new sovereign. This represents the destruction of authority and in consequence the ruin of Christian institutions: families, seminaries, religious institutes.
The New Mass, promulgated in 1969, diminishes the affirmation of the reign of Christ by the Cross (“regnavit a ligno Deus”). Indeed, the rite itself curtails and obscures the sacrificial and propitiatory nature of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. Underpinning this new rite is the new and false theology of the paschal mystery. Both one and the other destroy Catholic spirituality as founded upon the sacrifice of Our Lord on Calvary. This Mass is penetrated with an ecumenical and Protestant spirit, democratic and humanist, which empties out the sacrifice of the Cross. It illustrates the new concept of ‘the common priesthood of the baptised’ which undermines the sacramental priesthood of the priest.
Fifty years on, the causes persist and still engender the same effects. Hence today the consecrations retain their full justification. It was love of the Church which guided Archbishop Lefebvre and which guides his sons. It is the same desire to “pass on the Catholic priesthood in all its doctrinal purity and its missionary charity” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey) which animates the Society of Saint Pius X at the service of the Church, when it asks with insistence for the Roman authorities to regain the treasure of doctrinal, moral and liturgical Tradition.
This love of the Church explains the rule that Archbishop Lefebvre always observed: to follow Providence in all circumstances, without ever allowing oneself to anticipate it. We mean to do the same: either when Rome returns to Tradition and to the Faith of all time – which would re-establish order in the Church; or when she explicitly acknowledges our right to profess integrally the Faith and to reject the errors which oppose it, with the right and the duty for us to oppose publicly the errors and the proponents of these errors, whoever they may be – which would allow the beginning of a re-establishing of order. Meanwhile, faced with this crisis which continues its ravages in the Church, we persevere in the defence of Catholic Tradition and our hope remains entire, as we know by the certitude of Faith that “the gates of hell will not prevail against her.” (Mt 16:18)
We mean to follow well the injunction of our dear and venerable Father in the episcopacy: “Dear friends, be my consolation in Christ, remain strong in the Faith, faithful to the true sacrifice of the Mass, to the true and holy Priesthood of Our Lord, for the triumph and the glory of Jesus in heaven and on earth” (Letter to the bishops). May the Holy Trinity, by the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, grant us the grace of fidelity to the episcopacy which we have received and which we want to exercise for the honour of God, the triumph of the Church and the salvation of souls.

EcĂ´ne, 27th June 2013, on the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour

Bishop Bernard Fellay
Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais
Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta

St. Peter, pray for us
St. Pius V, pray for us
St. Pius X, pray for us

We don't want this to happen again!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

8th Sunday after Pentecost

Tomorrow is the 8th Sunday after Pentecost. We will hear about being a good and faithful steward of our assets. I always think about the poor widow, who gave a small pittance, but it was a lot of what she owned. And, Jesus commented that this woman was richer than all the others who pitched into the alms box. We WILL be held accountable for what we do with what we have.

I'm going to let our beloved Abbot explain it. He does a far better job at than I do. He's commenting on the readings from St. Paul to the Romans, which we have been hearing the last few weeks:

'...man, unaided by grace, is incapable of producing perfect justice and absolute good. Experience has proved it, the fathers will, later on, unanimously assert it, and the Church, in her Councils, will define it. True, by the mere powers of his fallen nature, man may come to the knowledge of some truths, and to the practice of some virtues; but, without grace, he can never know, and still less observe, the precepts of even the natural law, it they are taken as a whole.

From Jesus and Jesus alone, comes all justice. Not only is supernatural grace in the sinner's soul, wholly from Him; but even that natural justice, of which men are so proud, and which they say is quite enough without anything else, soon leaves one who does not cling to Christ by Faith and love. Our modern world has a pompous phrase about 'the independence of the human mind'; let those who pretend to acknowledge no other but that, go one with their boasting of being moral and honest men; but, as to us Christians, we believe what our mother the Church teaches us; and, agreeably to such teaching, we believe that 'a moral and honest man,' that is to say, a man who lives up to all the duties which nature puts upon him, can only be such here below by a special aid of our Redeemer and Saviour Christ Jesus. With St. Paul, therefore, let us be proud of the Gospel; for, as he calls it, it is the power of God, not only to justify the ungodly, but also to enrich souls, that thirst after what is right, with an active and perfect justice. 'The just man liveth by faith' says St. Paul; and according to the growth of his faith, so is his growth in justice. Without faith if Christ, the pretension to reach perfection in good, by one's own power and works, produces nothing but the stagnation of pride and the wrath of God.'

Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service, you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His own already.

- C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Monday, July 8, 2013


I see that I have been getting some hits from Brazil to see this blog. If any of you is a guy named Bruno, who attended Michigan State University about 10 years ago. I used to give you a ride to the Traditional Mass on Sundays. Let me know. Jon

Saturday, July 6, 2013

7th Sunday after Pentecost--BEWARE!!!!!

Tomorrow is the 7th Sunday after Pentecost. We are told, in the Gospel of St. Matthew, that we are be aware of wolves in the flock, seeking whomever they can devour. We see this today. Those who(the sheep) suppose to be feeding us(the lambs) with Divine Light are giving us poison, and expecting us to say: "Yum, this is good." We need desperately to study Scripture, study the Catechism of the Catholic Church (before the second Council is best), and, more generally, to know the Faith which comes to us from the Apostles. Anything else is dead WRONG! If anyone tries to tell anything other than that, steer away from them. If you know the Faith, maybe you can convert them. They need to be converted before they croak to be saved.

Our beloved Abbot Gueranger tells us: By their fruits shall ye know them as we hear in the Gospel, and history confirms the words of our Redeemer. Under the sheep's clothing, which they wear that they may deceive simple souls, the apostles of falsehood ever betray their real nature. the artful language they use, and the flatteries they utter for gain's sake, cannot hide the hollowness of their works. They separate themselves from the flock of Christ, and flee from the light; for, as the apostle says: 'All things that are reproved, or deserve to be so, are made manifest by the light; and as to the things that are done by them in secret, it is a shame even to speak of them. Therefore, be ye not partakers with them'.

When I was working, many protestants were trying to convert me, telling me I was going to hell because I was Catholic, which they always say is the 'Whore of Babylon'. I had to study, and found from them that they had never heard a Catholic say it like I said it. I told hem it was most Catholics don't know their Faith like they should. I proved their books and tracts wrong, which confused them to no end. I miss those days because they made me study. I told one guy, who was raised Catholic this story: There was flooding in this city, which was rapidly rising up to the rooftops of the houses. One man was on his roof, when a boat came along and asked if he needed help, to which he replied: 'The lord will save me', and so the boat left. Another came along with the same proposition, and received the same answer. Then a helicopter did the same, and was also denied. The man eventually was drowned, and when he came to be judged, asked the Lord why he didn't save him, to which the Lord replied: "Hey, I sent you two boats and a helicopter." I told this guy at work that he has now missed the two boats, and he just kind of looked at me weirdly and never spoke to me again. His problem, not mine. Also, when they ask you: "Where is the word 'Pope' in scripture, ask them where the words 'personal Lord and Saviour' are. Also ask them where it says that we have to know how to read to be saved. And again, tell them that our Douay-Rheims Bible New Testament was printed in 1583, with the Old in 1609. Since the King James bible came out in 1611, and it is different, which bible has been changed? I even sold a Douay Bible to a Jehovah's witness after a whole summer of them trying to convert me. Didn't work. Another thing; get an older bible (pre 1964) to learn from. Protestant bibles have changed every verse pertaining to our Blessed Mother, Mary. This happens in the newer versions of 'catholic' bibles also. Learn Church history, because Protestants are idiots in history!

Anyway, study like your life depended on it, because it probably does. Beware of those who would you believe wrong things.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Today is the day when the Constitution was actually signed. We had escaped, through blood and sweat, the tyranny of foreign powers telling us what to do. So now, here we are 200+ years later, and we find ourselves in the same spot our Founding Fathers were in. Foreign powers are telling our 'leaders' what they should to be doing. We need the Lord to help us through. Here are some more thoughts from our Founding Fathers, as well as a couple of others:

"And the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only basis: a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble when I reflect that God is just: that His justice cannot sleep forever." Thomas Jefferson

"I've lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: That God governs in the affairs of men. If a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We've been assured in the sacred writings that unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who built it." Benjamin Franklin

"America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are 'One Nation Under God', then we will be a nation gone under." Ronald Reagan

"Before any man can be considered as a member of civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe." James Madison

"We are a Christian people...not because the law demands it, not to gain exclusive benefits or to avoid disabilities, but from choice and education; and in a land thus universally Christian, what is to be expected, what desired, but that we shall pay due regard to Christianity?" Senate Judiciary Committee Report, January 19, 1853

"Is it not that in the human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Saviour?--that it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity?" John Quincy Adams

"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!...Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power...Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God Who presides over the destinies of nations and Who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us...Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" Patrick Henry

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: the people whom He hath chosen for his inheritance." Psalm 32:12

About that sparrow thing, just a comment. That verse where we are told that God knows if a sparrow falls and that the hairs on a man's head are numbered, I realized something: My head is making that task easier for Him.

Anyway, today I'm going to sit back, watch some fireworks, listen to some John Philip Sousa marches, and have a Sam Adams beer.


Oh, and a quote from St. Anselm: 'If you want to be certain of being in the number of the Elect, strive to be one of the few, not one of the many...'

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


History of the Flag

The United States Flag is the third oldest of the National Standards of the world; older than the Union Jack of Britain or the Tricolor of France.

The flag was first authorized by Congress June 14, 1777. This date is now observed as Flag Day throughout America.

The flag was first flown from Fort Stanwix, on the site of the present city of Rome, New York, on August 3, 1777. It was first under fire for three days later in the Battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777.

It was first decreed that there should be a star and a stripe for each state, making thirteen of both; for the states at the time had just been erected from the original thirteen colonies.

The colors of the Flag may be thus explained: The red is for valor, zeal and fervency; the white for hope purity, cleanliness of life, and rectitude of conduct; the blue, the color of heaven, for reverence to God, loyalty, sincerity, justice and truth.

The star (an ancient symbol of India, Persia and Egypt) symbolized dominion and sovereignty, as well as lofty aspirations. The constellation of the stars within the union, one star for each state, is emblematic of our Federal Constitution, which reserves to the States their individual sovereignty except as to rights delegated by them to the Federal Government.

The symbolism of the Flag was thus interpreted by Washington: “We take the stars from Heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing Liberty.”

In 1791, Vermont, and in 1792, Kentucky were admitted to the Union and the number of stars and stripes was raised to fifteen in correspondence. As other states came into the Union it became evident there would be too many stripes. So in 1818 Congress enacted that the number of stripes be reduced and restricted henceforth to thirteen representing the thirteen original states; while a star should be added for each succeeding state. That law is the law of today.

The name “Old Glory” was given to our National Flag August 10, 1831, by Captain William Driver of the brig Charles Doggett.

The Flag was first carried in battle at the Brandywine, September 11, 1777. It first flew over foreign territory January 28, 1778, at Nassau, Bahama Islands; Fort Nassau having been captured by the American in the course of the war for independence. The first foreign salute to the flag was rendered by the french admiral LaMotte Piquet, off Quiberon Bay, February 13, 1778.

The United States Flag is unique in the deep and noble significance of its message to the entire world, a message of national independence, of individual liberty, of idealism, of patriotism.

It symbolizes national independence and popular sovereignty. It is not the Flag of a reigning family or royal house, but of 205 million free people welded into a Nation, one and inseparable, united not only by community of interest, but by vital unity of sentiment and purpose; a Nation distinguished for the clear individual conception of its citizens alike of their duties and their privileges, their obligations and their rights.

It incarnates for all mankind the spirit of Liberty and the glorious ideal of human Freedom; not the freedom of unrestraint or the liberty of license, but an unique ideal of equal opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, safeguarded by the stern and lofty principles of duty, of righteousness and of justice, and attainable by obedience to self-imposed laws.

Floating from lofty pinnacle of American Idealism, it is a beacon of enduring hope, like the famous Bartholdi Statue of Liberty enlightening the World to the oppressed of all lands. It floats over a wondrous assemblage of people from every racial stock of the earth whose united hearts constitute an indivisible and invincible force for the defense and succor of the downtrodden.

It embodies the essence of patriotism. Its spirit is the spirit of the American nation. Its history is the history of the American people. Emblazoned upon its folds in letters of living light are the names and fame of our heroic dead, the Fathers of the Republic who devoted upon its altars their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Twice told tales of National honor and glory cluster thickly about it. Ever victorious, it has emerged triumphant from eight great National conflicts. It flew at Saratog, at Yorktown, at Palo Alto, at Gettysburg, at Minala bay, at Chateau-Thierry, at Iwo Jima. It bears witness to the immense expansion of our national boundaries, the development of our natural resources, and the splendid structure of our civilization. It prophesies the triumph of popular government, of civic and religious liberty and of national righteousness throughout the world.

The flag first rose over thirteen states along the Atlantic seaboard, with a population of some three million people. Today it flies over fifty states, extending across the continent, and over great islands of the two oceans; and two hundred and five million owe it allegiance. It has been brought to this proud position by love and sacrifice. Citizens have advanced it and heroes have died for it. It is the sign made visible of the strong spirit that has brought liberty and prosperity to the people of America. It is the flag of all us alike. Let us accord it honor and loyalty.

Why do we fly the Flag, a poem:

"Why do you fly the flag today?"
My Grandson wants to know.
I fly it for the graveyards
where the countless crosses grow.

I fly the flag for children
whose fathers are a name.
A half-remembered memory
of a face within a frame.

I fly it for the families
of sons and daughters lost.
They know the price of liberty.
How terrible the cost!

I fly the flag for veterans
who lost their youth in blood.
And saw their comrades slaughtered
in the carnage and the mud.

I fly it for the ones who marched
in cadence off to war
to close their eyes forever
upon some foreign shore.

I fly the flag for grief poured out
upon a granite wall.
The laying-on of hands that heals
the scars within us all.

I fly it for the sound of Taps--
that melancholy tune
that lays to rest those honored dead
who always die too soon.


Part II of Founding Fathers:

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." James Madison

"A Constitution of government, once changed from freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." John Adams

"It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor." George Washington

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I thought I'd offer, for the next three days, some insight of our Founding Fathers, and their thoughts of how a country should be. I mean really, this is the day, July 2nd, when America should be celebrating, since it is when the Constitution was actually completed and read. It was signed on the Fourth. Any way, just some things to think about, here goes:

"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then the dumb and silent may be led like sheep to the slaughter." George Washington

"It does not take a majority to prevail...but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." Samuel Adams

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." Elmer Davis

"Equal rights for all, special privileges for none." Thomas Jefferson

"Bad men cannot make good citizens. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom." Patrick Henry


The following poem is something I found years ago, and I thought I'd share it with you. It was written by Shel Silverstein. Enjoy.


My father gave me one dollar bill
because I'm his smartest son.
And, I swapped it for two shiny quarters
because two are more than one.

And then I took the quarters
and traded them to Lou
for three dimes-I guess he doesn't know
that three is more than two.

Just then, along came old blind Oates
and just because he can't see,
he gave me four nickels for my three dimes
and four is more than three.

And I took the nickels to Hiram
down at the seed-feed store,
and the fool gave me five pennies for them
and five is more than four.

And then I went and showed my dad,
and he got red in the cheeks,
and closed his eyes and shook his head--
too proud of me to speak!

Monday, July 1, 2013


The month of July is dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of the Redeemer. Supreme homage is given to the Sacred Blood. As we adore the Sacred Heart, because it is the Heart of Jesus, who is God, so we adore the Most Precious Blood.

The Blood of Jesus is the fountain of salvation. Each drop that flowed from the wounds of the Saviour is a pledge of man’s eternal salvation. All races of the earth have been ransomed, and all individuals, who will allow the saving power of the Sacred Blood to be applied to their soul, are heirs of heaven. St. John Chrysostom calls the Precious Blood “the saviour of souls”; St. Thomas Aquinas, “the key to heaven’s treasures”; St. Ambrose, “pure gold of ineffable worth”; St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, “a magnet of souls and pledge of eternal life”. The sins of mankind, in their number, in their offense to the Supreme Being, in the effects on transgressors, are immense; yet, the Precious Blood of Jesus is not frightened by numbers, it has in Itself the power to appease an angered God and to heal wounded creatures.

The Precious Blood is a cleansing bath. Unlike all other blood, which stains, the Blood of Jesus washes clean and white. According to the words of St. John, in the Apocalypse, the Angels wonder, and the question is asked: “These that are clothed in white robes, who are they?” The Lord answers: “These are they that have washed their robes, and have made them white in the Blood of the Lamb.” For no other reason did the Precious Blood flow but to regain for the souls of men the beautiful dress of innocence, and , once regained, to preserve it throughout life and into eternity.

The Blood of the Saviour is a well of consolation for troubled hearts. Can anyone, confidingly, look at the Sacred Blood trickling down from the Cross without taking courage to carry on, in spite of the difficulties which are the common lot of all? One glance at the Cross must be able to drive away fear. And, another, must be able to instill trust in Him who did not rest until the last drop, mingled with water, flowed out of an opened Heart. He, who was willing to do so much for men, must be willing to overlook and forget the frailties which they deeply regret; He must be willing to come to their assistance when harassed, to defend them when tempted, to comfort them when afflicted. The Blood of Jesus must be for Christians what the north-star is to sailors.

Would that men on earth honored the Precious Blood in the manner in which they who are in heaven give honor and praise and thanksgiving! They proclaim that It purchased the glory which they enjoy. Without It, they would have remained slaves of Satan and outcasts from the eternal mansions of God. Let us profess that we owe to the Sacred Blood of Jesus all that we have in this life, and that to It we shall owe all that we shall enjoy in a better and eternal life!

Thank you to the Magnificat site for this valuable info. This HEART which was opened when He was dead on the Cross by Longinus with his spear, is now open for all of us to help us learn what we need to know.