Tuesday, July 30, 2013


In the recent statement of the Holy Father in South America, a few comments. He said: "Who am I to judge?", concerning gay clerics in the Church. That part is true. We are NOT to judge anyone. Period! That is up to God alone. However, he should have gone further. He should have said what the Church has always taught, that homosexuality is not a sin, but that the practice of it IS! He could have done so much more. Instead, he has left the door side open to those who probably should NOT enter the Priesthood. In a way, he was right. In another, he needed to do more. Just sayin'.

Pray for the Holy Father; much more than we probably do. And, pray for all those who are infected with this disoriented disease. We need holy priests to turn back the tide of all that is wrong within the walls!

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