Saturday, July 6, 2013

7th Sunday after Pentecost--BEWARE!!!!!

Tomorrow is the 7th Sunday after Pentecost. We are told, in the Gospel of St. Matthew, that we are be aware of wolves in the flock, seeking whomever they can devour. We see this today. Those who(the sheep) suppose to be feeding us(the lambs) with Divine Light are giving us poison, and expecting us to say: "Yum, this is good." We need desperately to study Scripture, study the Catechism of the Catholic Church (before the second Council is best), and, more generally, to know the Faith which comes to us from the Apostles. Anything else is dead WRONG! If anyone tries to tell anything other than that, steer away from them. If you know the Faith, maybe you can convert them. They need to be converted before they croak to be saved.

Our beloved Abbot Gueranger tells us: By their fruits shall ye know them as we hear in the Gospel, and history confirms the words of our Redeemer. Under the sheep's clothing, which they wear that they may deceive simple souls, the apostles of falsehood ever betray their real nature. the artful language they use, and the flatteries they utter for gain's sake, cannot hide the hollowness of their works. They separate themselves from the flock of Christ, and flee from the light; for, as the apostle says: 'All things that are reproved, or deserve to be so, are made manifest by the light; and as to the things that are done by them in secret, it is a shame even to speak of them. Therefore, be ye not partakers with them'.

When I was working, many protestants were trying to convert me, telling me I was going to hell because I was Catholic, which they always say is the 'Whore of Babylon'. I had to study, and found from them that they had never heard a Catholic say it like I said it. I told hem it was most Catholics don't know their Faith like they should. I proved their books and tracts wrong, which confused them to no end. I miss those days because they made me study. I told one guy, who was raised Catholic this story: There was flooding in this city, which was rapidly rising up to the rooftops of the houses. One man was on his roof, when a boat came along and asked if he needed help, to which he replied: 'The lord will save me', and so the boat left. Another came along with the same proposition, and received the same answer. Then a helicopter did the same, and was also denied. The man eventually was drowned, and when he came to be judged, asked the Lord why he didn't save him, to which the Lord replied: "Hey, I sent you two boats and a helicopter." I told this guy at work that he has now missed the two boats, and he just kind of looked at me weirdly and never spoke to me again. His problem, not mine. Also, when they ask you: "Where is the word 'Pope' in scripture, ask them where the words 'personal Lord and Saviour' are. Also ask them where it says that we have to know how to read to be saved. And again, tell them that our Douay-Rheims Bible New Testament was printed in 1583, with the Old in 1609. Since the King James bible came out in 1611, and it is different, which bible has been changed? I even sold a Douay Bible to a Jehovah's witness after a whole summer of them trying to convert me. Didn't work. Another thing; get an older bible (pre 1964) to learn from. Protestant bibles have changed every verse pertaining to our Blessed Mother, Mary. This happens in the newer versions of 'catholic' bibles also. Learn Church history, because Protestants are idiots in history!

Anyway, study like your life depended on it, because it probably does. Beware of those who would you believe wrong things.

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