Monday, July 22, 2013

Loss of a friend :(

This past Saturday, we lost a dear friend. Her name is Margaret. We called her Marge. She was one of those responsible in helping me learn the Faith when I converted. Not at first, but later into my studies. She, incidentally, died on the feast day of St. Margaret of Antioch. Interesting!? She was VERY devoted to our Blessed Mother. She pressed on to anyone who would listen, and I'm sure to anyone who wouldn't, the necessity of praying the Most Holy Rosary of our Mother every day. This should help her greatly. Remember when our Blessed Mother said that those who would remain faithful to her, that she would she herself deliver them from Purgatory on the first Saturday after their death. That's pretty neat, huh?

The only bad part beside missing her is that her kids are NOT getting her a Requiem Mass which she desperately wanted. In fact, she is not getting a Mass at all! Too Bad. What a shame! Just a memorial service at the cemetery. This is what happens when your kids don't believe like you, especially if you attend a Traditional Mass. Like many, they call themselves Catholic, but their actions disapprove it. All I can say is: Take the steps necessary to have a Requiem Mass pre-arranged before you die. Just sayin'!

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