Saturday, January 28, 2012

4th Sunday after Epiphany

I'm posting this a day early, since I've been busy this week and missed some important saints, especially my patron saint, St. Paul. We had one of Paul's disciples, Timothy. We had one of St. John the Apostle's disciples, Polycarp, Bishop and martyr. We had St. John Chrysostom, the 'Golden-tongued' orator who is the patron-saint of preachers. And, most of all (at least to me), the conversion of Saul into Paul.

I took his name for my own when I converted to the Faith. I feel that I persecuted Christ,and in a way, His Church, too. At least, in my own way, by doing things unbecoming of a true Christian. I have asked for his prayers when dealing with protestants. I'm pretty sure he helped me a lot. I even sold a Douay-Rheims bible to a Jehovah witness. I even called myself Jon-Paul, too. I thought it was cute, but I realize that the other one didn't pass on the whole Truth to us and the whole world. Anyway, let's get on with this week's readings, shall we?

First, we hear about loving our neighbor in becoming a believer. Next, we hear about having some faith to better see. This Jesus calms the weather, the winds and the waves, by a word, proving that He is the One. This is from Matthew, Ch. 8. I want to fast forward to the 14th and 16th chapters. When reading about St. John Chrysostom this week, he brought these passages to mind. "Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass(Ch. 14)" St. John continues: "Thou art Peter; and upon this Rock will I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it(Ch. 16)."

This makes more sense to me now. I always thought that when Jesus said these words, He was referring to Scripture(which, it probably was in a way). If we think about Papal supremacy, it makes us think about something more. It would be another stumbling block for protestants to accept.

Let us ask this week's saints to pray for us, that we will be able to understand and communicate better. Also, these are looking at me right now. They are from St. Augustine, and I think they would help me close with something substantial.

"Understanding is the reward of Faith. Therefore, seek not to understand that thou mayest believe, but believe that thou mayest understand."

Lord, help my unbelief. Please?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

It's been a relatively busy week. First, the snow, which is first plowed or shoveled, and which is melted in a few days because the temperature is in the upper 30's or low 40's! Go figure. Also, a friend of mine gave me some supplies for making rosaries. Her sister and mother(both now deceased) used to make them a lot. Anyway, I've been busy making my own system, and I think I've got it down now. I've made a variety of them, from small to larger ones. Now, while I still have many beads left, I seem to be getting short on crucifixes and center pieces. So, if any one has any old rosaries and would like to dispose of them or recycle them, make a comment and I will be in touch.

Next, this week's readings. We hear St. Paul tell us not to seek revenge, since it is the Lord's business in doing so. Sometimes it's hard to turn the other cheek, so to speak, but we must try to learn this.

In the Gospel from St. Matthew, we hear the words which we hear in every Mass: "Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant shall be healed." Of course, we are praying for our own souls in this phrase. How unworthy are we anyway? QUITE! Something else we have to work on. Building the Faith in our lives as much as possible.

I would like to end with a Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which I hope is read today, but can't be sure of unless you are right up there on the altar.

O God, who by the fruitful Virginity of Blessed Mary hast given to mankind the rewards of eternal salvation, grant, we beseech thee, that we may experience her intercession, by whom we received the Author of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Today is the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2012. Today we will hear St. Paul tell us that there are different gifts to receive from God Almighty. Unlike the protestants opinion, everyone does NOT receive them all. Especially the gibberish which comes out of the pentecostal's mouths, and having them tell us they are speaking in tongues! A very good Priest (now deceased) told me one time about going to a 'healing' session one time, taking with him a professor of ancient languages. When this cacophony started, his professor friend asked him why these people were cursing God in Aramaic? This was Jesus's native language. Makes you wonder who is really there, doesn't it? Anyway, back to the readings for today. Paul is trying to encourage us to accept whatever God has sent us. We just need to find out what it is.

Now to the Gospel from St. John. I love this reading. It is on the date that the Epiphany occurred, as stated in my thoughts for the Epiphany. All these events are celebrated on the same day in the Church: the magi's visit; the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan; and the topic of today's Gospel. Today's reading is at the wedding feast in Cana, and Jesus is about to change something(water, which was used to wash dirty feet) into something else(wine). How awesome is this! He is in control of the universe, and therefore able to do whatever He wants. Period!

He is not necessarily going to do this because of His Mother's request(although He would do her bidding), but more because He is God the Father's Son! He is starting to show His mighty power! However, while this miracle is very magnificent, it doesn't compare to the awesomeness of turning wine into His Blood during the Consecration at the Holy Mass! He has, and does every time the words are spoken, turned this liquid into His own body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity! This is, at least to me, a much more significant achievement. This is just too much for my mere words and thoughts, but we need to remember this and ponder on it often, to try to get a better grasp on this Miracle!

Lord, help us understand better.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Catholic Knight: Catholic Prophecy

Just some thoughts about these days, as predicted by saints in the early days of the Church. Very interesting, I think. Makes you think!

The Catholic Knight: Catholic Prophecy

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Feast of the Holy Family

Feast of the Holy Family. Click on this link to the left and read what St. Bernard says about this day.
Today we remember our beloved Holy Family. It consists of a father, a Mother, and a Child. We are taught what we need to know to reach eternal happiness in the simplest way. We are to be humble as God Himself, as He presented Himself to us as a lowly human. We are taught to honor our parents, learn a trade, and , most of all, to do the Father's business in a way which acceptable to Him. Pretty simple, isn't it?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Epiphany 2012

The Feast of the Epiphany is the continuation of the mystery of Christmas. It is also a trinity, if you will, of feast days which we commemorate. First of all, we have the Magi coming and offering their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, recognizing Him as God while bringing things which could be used at His death. Next, the day has been honored for centuries as the day when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river. Also, it is the day celebrated of when Jesus turned water into wine at Cana.

So, we have earthly recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. Then, we have God the Father recognizing Him as the chosen One. Then we have Him changing the substance of one material into another, thus showing his power over all of creation.

Let us offer our gifts to the Father this day and all this new year. Mostly, He wants US as the gift, to learn about Him and act accordingly so that we can be with Him in the next life. That is our goal!

I will let our beloved abbot do some explaining in a way which is far above me:

'...From this day of thy Manifestation, O divine King! begins thy separation from thy Synagogue, which refuses thy love; and on this same Day, thou takest, in the person of the Magi, the Gentiles as thy Spouse. Thy union with her will soon be proclaimed from the Cross, when, turning thy face from the ungrateful Jerusalem, thou wilt stretch forth thy hands towards the nations of the Gentiles. O ineffable joy of thy Birth! but still better joy of thine Epiphany, wherein we, the once disinherited, are permitted to approach to thee, offer thee our gifts, and see thee graciously accept them, O merciful Emmanuel!

Thanks be to thee, O infant God! for that unspeakable gift of Faith, which, as thy Apostle teaches us, hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into thy kingdom, making us partakers of the lot of the Saints in Light(Col.1:12-13). Give us grace to grow in the knowledge of this thy Gift, and to understand the importance of this great Day, whereon thou makest alliance with the whole human race, which thou wouldest afterwards make thy Bride by espousing her. Oh! the Mystery of this Marriage Feast, dear Jesus! 'A Marriage,' says one of thy Vicars on earth(Innocent III), that was promised to the Patriarch Abraham, confirmed by oath to King David, accomplished in Mary when she became Mother, and consummated in the adoration of the Magi, confirmed in the Baptism in the Jordan, and declared in the miracle of the water changed into wine.' On this Marriage-Feast, where the Church, thy Spouse, already receives queenly honours, we will sing to thee, O Jesus! with all the fervour of our hearts, these words of today's Office, which sweetly blend the Three Mysteries into one--that of thy Alliance with us.'

I have even learned something that I had never heard before, that the Magi, after coming to worship their God and offering their gifts, returned to their respective countries, and were eventually martyred for their Faith. They are listed in martyrologies. Gaspar is on January 1; Melchior on January 6; and Balthasar is on January 11. You can teach old dogs new things!

Lord, have mercy on us, and teach us your ways.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Octave day of Christmas


Now, on to this day, reserved for the circumcision of our Lord, when he gets his Name legally, through the institution that was already in practice. By the way, His name means "Saviour"! In addition, this day is also a day of honor for our Blessed Mother, who, because of her 'Fiat', agreed to bring our Savior to earth through her body. Our beloved Abott again tells us:

'...A Mother of God! It is the mystery whose fulfillment the world, without knowing it, was awaiting for four thousand years. It is the work which, in God's eyes, was incomparably greater than that of the creation of a million new worlds, for such a creation would cost him nothing; he has but to speak, and all whatsoever he wills is made. But that a creature should become Mother of God, he has had not only to suspend the laws of nature by making a Virgin Mother, but also to put himself in a state of dependence upon the happy creature he chose for his Mother. He had to give her rights over himself, and contract the obligation of certain duties towards her. He had to make her his Mother, and Himself her Son.
It follows from all this, that the blessings of the Incarnation, for which we are indebted to the love wherewith the Divine Word loved us, may and ought to be referred, though in an inferior degree, to Mary herself. If she be the Mother of God, it is because she consented to it, for God vouchsafed not only to ask her consent, but moreover to make the coming of his Son into this world depend upon her giving it. As this his Son, the Eternal Word, spoke his 'FIAT' over chaos, and the answer to his word was creation; so did Mary use the same word 'FIAT': "Let it be done unto me", she said. God heard her word, and immediately the Son of God descended into her virginal womb. After God, then, it is to Mary, his ever Blessed Mother, that we are indebted for our Emmanuel.'

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.