Saturday, January 28, 2012

4th Sunday after Epiphany

I'm posting this a day early, since I've been busy this week and missed some important saints, especially my patron saint, St. Paul. We had one of Paul's disciples, Timothy. We had one of St. John the Apostle's disciples, Polycarp, Bishop and martyr. We had St. John Chrysostom, the 'Golden-tongued' orator who is the patron-saint of preachers. And, most of all (at least to me), the conversion of Saul into Paul.

I took his name for my own when I converted to the Faith. I feel that I persecuted Christ,and in a way, His Church, too. At least, in my own way, by doing things unbecoming of a true Christian. I have asked for his prayers when dealing with protestants. I'm pretty sure he helped me a lot. I even sold a Douay-Rheims bible to a Jehovah witness. I even called myself Jon-Paul, too. I thought it was cute, but I realize that the other one didn't pass on the whole Truth to us and the whole world. Anyway, let's get on with this week's readings, shall we?

First, we hear about loving our neighbor in becoming a believer. Next, we hear about having some faith to better see. This Jesus calms the weather, the winds and the waves, by a word, proving that He is the One. This is from Matthew, Ch. 8. I want to fast forward to the 14th and 16th chapters. When reading about St. John Chrysostom this week, he brought these passages to mind. "Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass(Ch. 14)" St. John continues: "Thou art Peter; and upon this Rock will I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it(Ch. 16)."

This makes more sense to me now. I always thought that when Jesus said these words, He was referring to Scripture(which, it probably was in a way). If we think about Papal supremacy, it makes us think about something more. It would be another stumbling block for protestants to accept.

Let us ask this week's saints to pray for us, that we will be able to understand and communicate better. Also, these are looking at me right now. They are from St. Augustine, and I think they would help me close with something substantial.

"Understanding is the reward of Faith. Therefore, seek not to understand that thou mayest believe, but believe that thou mayest understand."

Lord, help my unbelief. Please?

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