Sunday, January 1, 2012

Octave day of Christmas


Now, on to this day, reserved for the circumcision of our Lord, when he gets his Name legally, through the institution that was already in practice. By the way, His name means "Saviour"! In addition, this day is also a day of honor for our Blessed Mother, who, because of her 'Fiat', agreed to bring our Savior to earth through her body. Our beloved Abott again tells us:

'...A Mother of God! It is the mystery whose fulfillment the world, without knowing it, was awaiting for four thousand years. It is the work which, in God's eyes, was incomparably greater than that of the creation of a million new worlds, for such a creation would cost him nothing; he has but to speak, and all whatsoever he wills is made. But that a creature should become Mother of God, he has had not only to suspend the laws of nature by making a Virgin Mother, but also to put himself in a state of dependence upon the happy creature he chose for his Mother. He had to give her rights over himself, and contract the obligation of certain duties towards her. He had to make her his Mother, and Himself her Son.
It follows from all this, that the blessings of the Incarnation, for which we are indebted to the love wherewith the Divine Word loved us, may and ought to be referred, though in an inferior degree, to Mary herself. If she be the Mother of God, it is because she consented to it, for God vouchsafed not only to ask her consent, but moreover to make the coming of his Son into this world depend upon her giving it. As this his Son, the Eternal Word, spoke his 'FIAT' over chaos, and the answer to his word was creation; so did Mary use the same word 'FIAT': "Let it be done unto me", she said. God heard her word, and immediately the Son of God descended into her virginal womb. After God, then, it is to Mary, his ever Blessed Mother, that we are indebted for our Emmanuel.'

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

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