Saturday, January 14, 2012

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Today is the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2012. Today we will hear St. Paul tell us that there are different gifts to receive from God Almighty. Unlike the protestants opinion, everyone does NOT receive them all. Especially the gibberish which comes out of the pentecostal's mouths, and having them tell us they are speaking in tongues! A very good Priest (now deceased) told me one time about going to a 'healing' session one time, taking with him a professor of ancient languages. When this cacophony started, his professor friend asked him why these people were cursing God in Aramaic? This was Jesus's native language. Makes you wonder who is really there, doesn't it? Anyway, back to the readings for today. Paul is trying to encourage us to accept whatever God has sent us. We just need to find out what it is.

Now to the Gospel from St. John. I love this reading. It is on the date that the Epiphany occurred, as stated in my thoughts for the Epiphany. All these events are celebrated on the same day in the Church: the magi's visit; the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan; and the topic of today's Gospel. Today's reading is at the wedding feast in Cana, and Jesus is about to change something(water, which was used to wash dirty feet) into something else(wine). How awesome is this! He is in control of the universe, and therefore able to do whatever He wants. Period!

He is not necessarily going to do this because of His Mother's request(although He would do her bidding), but more because He is God the Father's Son! He is starting to show His mighty power! However, while this miracle is very magnificent, it doesn't compare to the awesomeness of turning wine into His Blood during the Consecration at the Holy Mass! He has, and does every time the words are spoken, turned this liquid into His own body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity! This is, at least to me, a much more significant achievement. This is just too much for my mere words and thoughts, but we need to remember this and ponder on it often, to try to get a better grasp on this Miracle!

Lord, help us understand better.

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