Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday-3rd week of Advent 2011

Today is the day that I share with St. Eusebius, who was another Bishop who fought against the Arian heresy in the 4th century. He is one that defended the Incarnation of our Lord, against poor odds. It just goes to show, that if God is in our side, we are in the majority and will prevail. It's my birthday, and with it, more aches and pains, less memory, etc. Just kidding. I'm relatively well, considering what my friends are going through.

We begin our prayers with one from the Gallican sacramentary:

O Lord God, Father almighty, purify the recesses of our heart, and mercifully wash away all the stains of our sins; and grant, O Lord, that, cleansed from our sins by thy merciful blessing, we may await in confidence the dread and terrible coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, as an act of humility, we offer this prayer which was from the 7th century, and found in the Gothic Breviary:

O Jesus our God, who didst offer thy face to those who struck it, and wert otherwise loaded with reproaches for our sake, grant to us, thy poor servants, that learning the lesson thou gavest in thy Passion, we may cheerfully bear our burden, having been taught by thee, who art meek and humble of heart, that this befits us.

St. Eusebius, pray for me.

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