Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday-3rd week of Advent 2011

We start our with a hymn taken from the Anthology of the Greeks:

As a royal throne, thou carriest the Creator; as a living couch, thou encirclest the King, O creature most dear to God:

Branch most vigorous, thou didst bud forth the Christ on whom we lean and are supported; for Aaron's branch, which, of old, budded unplanted, was a type of thee, thou chaste dove, and ever a Virgin.

To sing the more than wonderful manner of thy extraordinary and incomprehensible maternity, is above the power of all the choirs of men: for no mind, no thought, no understanding, no words, can reach the mystery.

Isaias, seeing the unspeakable miracle, the ineffable miracle of thy maternity, spoke thus divinely: The holy Spirit hath come upon thee, O Mother of God! preserving thee, as heretofore he kept entire the burning bush: and, therefore, we cry out with the angel: Rejoice, O thou tabernacle of God!

And now, a prayer from St. Thomas More:

Give me grace to amend my life, and to ave an eye to mine end, without grudge of death, which to them that die in thee, good Lord, is the gate of a wealthy life.

Kyrie, Eleison

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