Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday-3rd week of Advent 2011

The first thing we have is taken from the Roman-French missals, and was composed in the 11th century:

Let us sing together to our God, who created all things; By whom all ages were made;
The firmament, which shines with much light, and the countless stars;
The sun, the ornament of the world; the moon, which is the night's beauty; and all shining things;
The sea, the land, the hills, the plains, and the deep rivers;
The wide space of the air, through which float birds, and winds, and rain;
All these obey thee alone, O God, as their Maker and King.

Now and evermore, for endless ages; Their praise is thy glory;
Who for our salvation didst wend thine only-begotten Son, in whom could be no sin, to suffer on earth for our sins.

We beseech thee, O holy Trinity, to govern and protect our souls and bodies, and grant us forgiveness of our sins. Amen.

And now, a prayer for protection, from "Paradisus Animae".

O Lord, who hast prepared a table before us, against all who afflict us, and settest thereon the bread which strengthens the heart of man to meet all the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil; give me, by this heavenly and life-giving food, strength not to yield to any temptation, but steadfastly to cleave to thee. Let me not strive to be the friend of worldlings, or worldly in my ways; but, by the power of this holy food, let me be transformed into thee, that I may wish only to please thee, and fear to displease thee. Let me hold the world in low esteem, because in this food I know heaven, and to the Lord of the world give welcome.

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