Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Right to Life

Sunday marked the 38th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, which allowed the mass holocaust of unborn babies. Our priest on Sunday said some things which struck a cord with me, since I am adopted. He said that every embryo has been foreordained to serve some purpose in the eyes of God Almighty. When their little lives are snuffed out by the tragic "law" of abortion, they are not able to fulfill what God had for their future achievements. When people ask why there isn't a cure for certain illnesses (ie. Cancer), they could be told that, "the person who would have found the cure had been aborted". Or, something on this order. That is very strong to think about! Tens of millions of future people, some that were set to do great things, snuffed out. I used to carry a sign at Right to Life marches which stated, "ABORTION sucks the Life out of a woman!", with the word 'ABORTION' in neon orange. Or I said to one woman who was entering, "Make sure they get all of the pieces out so you don't get an infection." I'd get some strange looks, but I hope they thought about it and changed their minds. I would also get some strange looks at work when I would have one of those models of a 10 week old fetus on my desk. When asked about it , I would tell them that this is what a 10 week old fetus looks like, even before the woman knew she was pregnant. It has a heartbeat!!!

If testing had been prevalent in the days of my adoption, discovering all of the health problems that I have had, I very well could have aborted. I think about this every January 23rd, and am entirely grateful that my birth mom chose the path she did. Even though my adoptive parents are passed on, I have no desire to search out my birth mother, since she made that decision and I have respect for that.

The ONLY 'choice' that woman really has is this, "To do what God expects of you or not!"

Lord, have mercy on us

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Prayers needed, please

A long-time friend of mine has recently found out that after he beat the cancer in his leg, it has returned in his pelvis, and near his lung. Both spots are inoperable and incurable, something that he did NOT want to hear. He is not Catholic, but he does seem to BELIEVE! He was told that maybe he has 2 years left. I am asking for a miracle for him, while also knowing that it is God's will. So, I'm asking prayers for him, Jim M., for any one who reads this site along with S.C. and ST. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The 3rd Sunday after Epiphany has a part that we hear every time we go to Mass. When the centurion came to Jesus, worried about his servant not doing so great, but believing in what he knew Jesus could do. He said to Him, after Jesus said that He would to the house, that he was unworthy that Jesus should come to his house, but to only say the word, and with this he was confident that Jesus would do a healing, which is exactly what happened. May we not be of those who have to see or feel something to believe, but to believe first that we see with the eyes of FAITH.

Lord, help our unbelief.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for Jim

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wally World

Isn't it interesting that when Hu is here from China, our (most favored trading partner thanks to Billy Clinton), that Ms. O. proclaims that Wally World, aka Wal Mart, will now seek to lower its prices on fruit and veggies so that our kiddies will have a healthier diet because they are so fat. Wally World has for years proclaimed that its main objective is to have all of its products come from China. This is the main reason that the US is struggling with anything. Can you find anything that is NOT made in China? Wally World, as well as soooo many corporations, have sold out the American worker in favor of bigger profits.

It's just my opinion, and I am unanimous in it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hot enough for ya?

For those who think, "I don't want to get involved", I offer this quote from someone in the past. And, I used to have an older friend who would say, "Lukewarm ain't so hot". Here's the quote:

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crises, maintain their neutrality."

Dante Alighieri

Friday, January 14, 2011

Busy week

This has been a busy week. My friends are going through some extremely tough times. One of them had open-heart surgery this week to replace a bad valve. Another has been going through another what looks like the big 'C' again, this time in two spots. A third, however, had some encouraging news about the results from his PSA lab work. He had his cancerous prostate removed last year, and his new number was great. I hope this year is better. Retirement years are not so much golden, are they?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have just been looking at some sites regarding all of the dead birds and fish throughout the world. Not just in Arkansas, but Maryland, off the Pacific coast, Sweden, and Italy to name a few. Does any else think that this could be from chem trails, which fill our skies daily? I think that they maybe had a higher dose of these chemicals, or are maybe using a 'new' one. Usually we start off the day with a clear sky. About an hour and a half, the skies are totally gray from the chem trails from planes. Don't you think that this is odd? My doctor one day mentioned to me, after I had alerted him about these trails, that he had seen them also. I told him to do a study for himself. I told him to see if he had a lot of patients coming in with breathing problems within a couple of days after seeing the trails. I haven't heard from him since. This is NOT just coincidental! We are being gassed by somebody! And, no wonder, we don't seem to get the REAL news on the idiot tube! Go figure.

Just my opinion, and I am unanimous in it! Have a nice day.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


First and foremost, I'd like to ask prayers for my best male friend, Jim. We went through school together eons ago, and he is in the fight for his life. He had a tumor in his leg, which he originally thought was just a muscle sprain. Come to find out, it was cancerous. He had it removed, along with treatments of chemo, and 37 treatments of radiation. Things seemed to be fine, but recently found out that it has come back elsewhere. Namely, in a spot behind his lung, and also in his groin.

I am currently asking for the prayers of Blessed Louis Guanella, founder of the Servants of Charity. I was given a first class relic of his by a priest at the St. Louis Center in Chelsea, MI. My friend Jim held onto it for a few days, even though he is not Catholic. I certainly hope Fr. Guanella hears my prayers and obtains the favor of having my friend return to health. I am asking for your prayers, also.

Now onto the upcoming Sunday. Our Lord has been found in the temple, teaching the truth which was passed over by the Jewish people. He declares to His Mother, who was worried along with Joseph because they could not find their son, who was given to them for safe-keeping, that He was to be about His Father's business. Isn't this what we are all supposed to be doing. He gave Himself entirely for us, even coming down from His in heaven, humbly taking the form of a slave.

The Good Shepherd, who feeds His Sheep with His own Flesh, replies that He must needs do the will of His Father who is in heaven. He is come to be our life, our light, and our food: He, therefore, leaves everything in order to give Himself to us. All He asks of us is that we give our total self to Him in return.

Lord, that we may see!

Monday, January 3, 2011

His name shall be Jesus

I know this is a day late, but I just wanted to say, "HIS name was called Jesus." What more do we need? "A Name which is above all names: that in the Name of Jesus every knee should bend."