Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have just been looking at some sites regarding all of the dead birds and fish throughout the world. Not just in Arkansas, but Maryland, off the Pacific coast, Sweden, and Italy to name a few. Does any else think that this could be from chem trails, which fill our skies daily? I think that they maybe had a higher dose of these chemicals, or are maybe using a 'new' one. Usually we start off the day with a clear sky. About an hour and a half, the skies are totally gray from the chem trails from planes. Don't you think that this is odd? My doctor one day mentioned to me, after I had alerted him about these trails, that he had seen them also. I told him to do a study for himself. I told him to see if he had a lot of patients coming in with breathing problems within a couple of days after seeing the trails. I haven't heard from him since. This is NOT just coincidental! We are being gassed by somebody! And, no wonder, we don't seem to get the REAL news on the idiot tube! Go figure.

Just my opinion, and I am unanimous in it! Have a nice day.

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