Saturday, January 8, 2011


First and foremost, I'd like to ask prayers for my best male friend, Jim. We went through school together eons ago, and he is in the fight for his life. He had a tumor in his leg, which he originally thought was just a muscle sprain. Come to find out, it was cancerous. He had it removed, along with treatments of chemo, and 37 treatments of radiation. Things seemed to be fine, but recently found out that it has come back elsewhere. Namely, in a spot behind his lung, and also in his groin.

I am currently asking for the prayers of Blessed Louis Guanella, founder of the Servants of Charity. I was given a first class relic of his by a priest at the St. Louis Center in Chelsea, MI. My friend Jim held onto it for a few days, even though he is not Catholic. I certainly hope Fr. Guanella hears my prayers and obtains the favor of having my friend return to health. I am asking for your prayers, also.

Now onto the upcoming Sunday. Our Lord has been found in the temple, teaching the truth which was passed over by the Jewish people. He declares to His Mother, who was worried along with Joseph because they could not find their son, who was given to them for safe-keeping, that He was to be about His Father's business. Isn't this what we are all supposed to be doing. He gave Himself entirely for us, even coming down from His in heaven, humbly taking the form of a slave.

The Good Shepherd, who feeds His Sheep with His own Flesh, replies that He must needs do the will of His Father who is in heaven. He is come to be our life, our light, and our food: He, therefore, leaves everything in order to give Himself to us. All He asks of us is that we give our total self to Him in return.

Lord, that we may see!

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