Saturday, January 22, 2011

Prayers needed, please

A long-time friend of mine has recently found out that after he beat the cancer in his leg, it has returned in his pelvis, and near his lung. Both spots are inoperable and incurable, something that he did NOT want to hear. He is not Catholic, but he does seem to BELIEVE! He was told that maybe he has 2 years left. I am asking for a miracle for him, while also knowing that it is God's will. So, I'm asking prayers for him, Jim M., for any one who reads this site along with S.C. and ST. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The 3rd Sunday after Epiphany has a part that we hear every time we go to Mass. When the centurion came to Jesus, worried about his servant not doing so great, but believing in what he knew Jesus could do. He said to Him, after Jesus said that He would to the house, that he was unworthy that Jesus should come to his house, but to only say the word, and with this he was confident that Jesus would do a healing, which is exactly what happened. May we not be of those who have to see or feel something to believe, but to believe first that we see with the eyes of FAITH.

Lord, help our unbelief.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for Jim

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