Friday, July 30, 2010

Finding the right Man

Las Vegas isn't such a bad city, if you stay away from the strip, and the immorality of the casino/downtown area. Recently we've had a relative from there visiting. She also has many other relatives in this area and is visiting them too. She used to have some very extreme ideas about almost everything. we never thought we'd agree with her so much as we have since her conversion. These days, however, she has converted to Christianity, although not reverting to her Catholic roots. As least not yet, anyway. She pronounced that she had finally found a Man who won't let her down, as so many others had. She has found Jesus Christ. Hooray!!!!! Maybe one of these days she will find her way to the Church founded by Christ Himself. We'll keep praying for her. She has found that she is way outnumbered now, as believers are. You know what I mean. The shunning, exclusion, and ridicule. Even in her own family. What a surprise.

I am going to give you a riddle, which I will explain in my next post, if I remember. This woman is my wife's sister's sister, but she is my wife's aunt. Got it yet? I didn't think so. Ha Ha!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Great news!

We have so much to be thankful for these in the midwest. We have finally been getting much needed rain. Maybe now our grass and gardens will prosper. God is truly great. He provides. He knows our needs more than we do and way before we think we need them, and He takes care of us. We just need to give thanks a lot more than we do.


Thursday, July 15, 2010


OMG! It's too hot! I think I am, like, going to stay inside and have a cold one. Wish I had a pool!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Just a couple of things today, since it is too hot again to do much.
John Henry Cardinal Newman said that "the face of the visible Church is very disappointing to an earnest mind, nay, in certain sense, a scandal." This did not discourage this great theologian, whom Pope Benedict will beatify later this year. "It is also a fact," Newman continued, "that, in spite of them still, the Church has ever got on and made way, to the surprise of the world; as an army may fight a series of bloody battles, and lose men, and yet go forward from victory to victory." We would do well also to recall two things our Lord Jesus Christ told us about His Church: that it is made up of both good and bad, wheat and chaff; and that the Gates of Hell will never prevail against it. Remember, he was a leading minister in the church of England, and converted to Catholicism in the 1840's. If you are able to, check out his "APOLOGIA PRO VITA SUA", his book from 1864 in which he disputes the religious upheaval in England, and at the same time blowing away his detractors, especially when he defected to the True Faith of Catholicism.

We should remember this as we sometimes despair with all that is going on to the Faith these days. This stuff occurring today is the same as occurred in the past. Only the wordings and tactics have been changed.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The DEFEAT of Islam?

The Society of St. Pope Pius X has been praying, and adding up, rosaries for the Consecration of Russia, as Our Lady requested at Fatima in 1917. This is all very good for us to do. I have another suggestion for use of our rosaries. How about if we pray for the DEFEAT AND END of Islam. I probably shouldn't capitalize islam, since it is not a religion, according to God Himself. He set up His own for us to follow.

The Pope and good Catholics prayed for their victory against the moslems at the Battle of Lepanto, and were rewarded with it. We need to do the same is these trying days. What do you think? Could we give it a whirl?

Islam is taking over the world, starting with Europe,Asia and the like, and we will soon feel the pressure here. Especially when they propose to build a mosque at the heart of New York, at the site of the World Trade Center at the hands of the moslem butchers. What a slap in the face, considering it should be a shrine to all who died on that dreadful day. Bloomberg is an ass for even letting them consider it in the first place.

We need to stop them in their tracks while we can still pray, before it is outlawed.

Pray for their DEFEAT today and every day to follow!!!!!

Lord, have mercy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Too hot!!!!!

Today is too hot to want to do anything. So I will just leave you with a couple of things to think about.

"I never learned anything when I was talking." Larry King

This next one was an answer to a crossword puzzle I was working. I have a passion for them, and love to do the New York Times puzzles. Any way, here it is:

Reason often makes mistakes, but the conscience never does.

I would like to add to this one. A 'well-informed' conscience never does.

Learn the Faith!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Visitation of Our Lady to St. Elizabeth

Today is the day of the Visitation of Our Lady to St. Elizabeth, who was near to giving birth to St. John the Baptist. When Mary greeted her, the baby "leapt" in her womb, signifying the sanctification of John in the womb. How cool is that? How great it is when Our Lord and Our Lady visit us, even when we cannot see them?

When Mary heard St. Elizabeth say these words, she went in the Magnificat, in which she gives all thanks for everything to God, and says that her "soul" MAGNIFIES the Lord, Who had done great things for her.. She DIDN'T say that her "being" proclaimed the goodness of the Lord! Every time in the "Nervous Order" of things, when pertaining to Mary on days honoring her, the words and readings are all changed, not meaning the same thing at all! I supposed we have the protestants to thank for that, since they got to change the Mass so as to not offend them! What a huge PANTLOAD!!!!!

We just finished the month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We should all have some kind of devotion to this beautiful Heart, which has loved us so much. And, today is the first Friday of the month, which is also dedicated to the Sacred Heart.

May the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary protect us.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning for love of us, set our hearts on fire for love of Thee.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give myself to Thee through Mary.

Lord, have Mercy.