Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The DEFEAT of Islam?

The Society of St. Pope Pius X has been praying, and adding up, rosaries for the Consecration of Russia, as Our Lady requested at Fatima in 1917. This is all very good for us to do. I have another suggestion for use of our rosaries. How about if we pray for the DEFEAT AND END of Islam. I probably shouldn't capitalize islam, since it is not a religion, according to God Himself. He set up His own for us to follow.

The Pope and good Catholics prayed for their victory against the moslems at the Battle of Lepanto, and were rewarded with it. We need to do the same is these trying days. What do you think? Could we give it a whirl?

Islam is taking over the world, starting with Europe,Asia and the like, and we will soon feel the pressure here. Especially when they propose to build a mosque at the heart of New York, at the site of the World Trade Center at the hands of the moslem butchers. What a slap in the face, considering it should be a shrine to all who died on that dreadful day. Bloomberg is an ass for even letting them consider it in the first place.

We need to stop them in their tracks while we can still pray, before it is outlawed.

Pray for their DEFEAT today and every day to follow!!!!!

Lord, have mercy.

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