Friday, July 2, 2010

The Visitation of Our Lady to St. Elizabeth

Today is the day of the Visitation of Our Lady to St. Elizabeth, who was near to giving birth to St. John the Baptist. When Mary greeted her, the baby "leapt" in her womb, signifying the sanctification of John in the womb. How cool is that? How great it is when Our Lord and Our Lady visit us, even when we cannot see them?

When Mary heard St. Elizabeth say these words, she went in the Magnificat, in which she gives all thanks for everything to God, and says that her "soul" MAGNIFIES the Lord, Who had done great things for her.. She DIDN'T say that her "being" proclaimed the goodness of the Lord! Every time in the "Nervous Order" of things, when pertaining to Mary on days honoring her, the words and readings are all changed, not meaning the same thing at all! I supposed we have the protestants to thank for that, since they got to change the Mass so as to not offend them! What a huge PANTLOAD!!!!!

We just finished the month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We should all have some kind of devotion to this beautiful Heart, which has loved us so much. And, today is the first Friday of the month, which is also dedicated to the Sacred Heart.

May the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary protect us.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning for love of us, set our hearts on fire for love of Thee.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give myself to Thee through Mary.

Lord, have Mercy.

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