Thursday, February 4, 2010

Getting involved

The journey begins. One Sunday, while reading the newspaper, I saw an ad. It was asking if anyone out there wondered where the Catholic Church went. I told my wife, "Hey, here's someone that thinks like you." My wife had been away from the Church for some time, and didn't recognize what she saw, or didn't see. "The Church has been stripped," she said. I didn't know anything at this time. When we sang hymns, I'm singing along with everybody else. When asked how I knew these songs, I replied that I had grown up with them. Another change! What's going on, anyway?
Anyhow, we went to this meeting of confused and disgruntled Catholics. What were they going to do, anyway? These faithful Catholics brought me to an understanding as to what was going on, and helped me in learning the Faith that came to us from the Apostles. The truth NEVER changes. Jesus Christ set up His Church how He wanted it; how can those in charge even think they can make it better? Remember, Paul withstood Peter to his face concerning circumcision and won Peter over, once he realized his error. Salvation is for everyone.
After I was received into the Church, I started buying and reading everything I could concerning the Faith and about apologetics. I wanted stuff that would help me present this new-found Faith to others in a way they just might understand. I am not saying that I'm a great speaker(because I'm not), but I am willing to learn and share what I'm am learning. This was to come into play very shortly, when I started working in a factory. what a wild ride this was.
Fallen away Catholics are absolutely the worst critics when talking to them. Maybe they just don't understand(I hope). I had lots of these, along with those of other churches, pretty much attacking me about my faith. They would tell me I was going to hell if I didn't convert. I would tell them they shouldn't be doing Christ's job, and they will have to answer to that on their day of judgment.
All of this discussion made me learn, not just my faith, but WHY I believe the things I do. I am not a bible scholar by a long shot, but we don't have to be when dealing with non-Catholics. They know all the scripture, except for missing 7 books. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't read scripture, because we should. I even sold a Douay-Rheims bible to a Jehovah witness once. I must have learned something in my studies. We should present these truths in a way that they haven't heard before. Keep studying. If we know our faith, we can make it clearer to others. After all, it is simple if we just believe. More later.

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