Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My First

In my first blog, I would like to share some thoughts about being a Catholic. I have been one since 1982, and the way I became one is kind of humorous. I married a woman in 1978; she had 2 daughters; she wanted them to attend Catholic schools; I said "OK." I knew that the kids in the only Catholic family in my neighborhood were smarter than me, even the younger ones. One Sunday while we were attending Mass, the pastor reminded everyone to make sure to get their slip for their tuition discount. Wow! What a concept! I could go for this in a heartbeat. Then I found out that I had to be a Catholic. No problem, said I. I took the classes, using a book called CHRIST AMONG US, which I realized later is a pantload, if you know what I mean. (I will be using this term whenever referring to something that is). Anyway, during this time, I started attending Bible classes. Someone mentioned that the Catholic Church was the One founded by Jesus Christ Himself! What!!! I had never heard this before!
What I did then during the next week was to search at the public library about Christianity, and lo and behold, the Catholic Church is the OLDEST. This made sense to me then. Until anyone can prove to me any older church exists, I'm happy to be a Roman Catholic. And this is the Catholic Church that the Apostles started, being guided by Christ Himself, the Holy Ghost,His Mother Mary, and led by Peter(the Rock), and later Paul, to the Gentiles.
Since this revelation to me, much has happened that has only strengthened my faith, which I will relate in subsequent writings.
Thank you if you even take the time to read this. I hope you enjoy what comes later.

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