Friday, February 5, 2010


Pascal said, "Believing in God costs you nothing if you're wrong, and wins you everything if you're right."

Cradle Catholics need to do some studying in their lives. Most of them don't know the Faith very well, just believing what they're told without looking into the same. "The Pope, Bishop, or whoever" said this or that, so it must be true.
There is a crisis in the Church these days, and here's why. Most of the leaders, all the way up to the Pope, are supposed to deliver the DEPOSIT OF FAITH which was given to the Apostles, through the Fathers of the Church, and which will never change til the end of time. This is not what is happening these days. Things have been changed, even in Scripture, which has altered the meanings delivered by Christ. This is not right at all!
Take the Mass, for instance. During the last 40+ years, things have inserted into the Mass which are only kowtowing to non-Catholics. The Church has always stated, "Outside the Church there is no salvation." Strong words, huh? We are supposed to bring them into our Church, NOT water down our faith to suit them! This is the crux of the problem in the Church today.
At the Council of Trent in the 16th century was countering the movement by Luther and the other protesters. During it, St. Pope Pius V said that the Mass can NEVER be altered for all time, even adding that even if a Pope tried to, he would incur the wrath of God Almighty and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul! What happened in the last 40+ years was exactly this. Mass in the vernacular, communion in the hand, etc. These things were exactly what Luther did during the deformation. If Christ Himself set up the Faith the way He wanted, what right do we have to change it? Answer, ....................we don't!
The way I look at this whole mess is this; If the Catholic Church is the one founded by Jesus Christ, Satan will do all in his power to try to wreck it, whatever it takes. The St. Michael prayer came about when Pope Leo XIII saw on the altar after Mass Satan and Jesus conversing. Satan said he could destroy Christ's Church. Christ ended up giving him 100 years to try to do this. This period ended in the late 1900's. Go figure. Do you think we're experiencing this turmoil? I do. Satan will tell 999 truths and 1 lie, and that lie makes all wrong(Medjugore). We need to be steadfast in the Faith, fight when we need to, ask Our Blessed Mother Mary for strength and perservance, and endure. Chin up, or maybe down in prayer.

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