Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Epiphany, 2nd day after

Today we hear from St. Ephrem and the Syrian Church, singing the sweet mysteries of the Birth of Jesus:

There came the husbandmen of Bethlehem, and they paid homage to Him Who was the protector of their life, and thus, in their joy, did they prophesy:  "Hail! thou the appointed cultivator of our lands!  Thou shalt till the soil of our hearts, and thou shalt put into the garnerhouse of life the harvests they yield."

The vine-dressers came next.  They spoke the praises of the Vine grown from the root and branch of Jesse, that bore, form its venerable stock, the virginal Fruit.  'We beseech thee,' said they, 'reform us into vessels worthy of thy new Wine, which maketh all things new.  Restore thy vineyard to its former state.  Hitherto, it has produced nought but wild grapes.  Ingraft thine own scions on our vines.'

Then, because Joseph was a Carpenter, Carpenters approach to this his Son.  'We greet thy happy Birth,' they say:  'we hail thee as our Prince, for thou it was didst plan the Ark of Noe.  Thou wast Architect of that tabernacle so soon built, and to last but for a time.  Our works praise thee.  We beseech thee, be thou our glory, and make for us that yoke of thine, which we intend to carry:  for it is a light yoke, and a sweet burden.'

A like instinct brought the newly married to the new-born Babe:  they saluted Him, and said:  'Hail, Child! whose Mother is the Spouse of the Holy One!  O blessed nuptials those, where thou art to be present!  O blessed Spouses they, who shall see the Wine that had failed flow out abundantly at thy bidding!'

Little Children, too, cried out:  'O happy we, to whom it has been given to have thee for our Brother and our Companion!  Happy day! and happy children who, on that day, shall be permitted to praise thee, the tree of life, who hast humbled thy immensity to the littleness of our infant age.!'

The report of the prophecy that a virgin would one day bring forth a Child, came to the women's ears; and each one hoped that this privilege would fall to their lot.  'Noble women, and beautiful women, hoped that they might be thy mother.  We bless thee, O Most High God, that thou choosest for thy Mother one that was poor.'

Young Maidens, too, were presented to Jesus, and they prophesied, saying:  'I may be uncomely, or I may be beautiful, or I may be poor:  but thine will I be, and to thee will I cling.  I will prefer espousals with thee to those I could contact with mortal man.'

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