Monday, January 7, 2019

Days within the Octave of Epiphany-1st day

According to the customs of the 'ancient' Church, solemnities such as the Epiphany, are to be followed by 'ferial' days, in which no other feast days are to be within the octave.  the Epiphany is such a time of the year, along with Easter and Pentecost.  According to our beloved Abbot Gueranger, "In order that we may the more fully enter into the spirit of the Church during this glorious Octave, we will contemplate, each day, the Mystery of the Vocation of the Magi, and we will enter together with them, into the holy Cave of Bethlehem, there to offer our gifts to the Divine Infant, to Whom the star has led the Wise Men."

I won't be going into much detail each of these days, but I will strive to at least enter something from old prayers, or from groups we will never hear about in the N.O. churches.  So, shall we be off?

This one is from the Greek Church, giving us something in honour of the Virgin-Mother.  It is a song of St. Joseph the Hymnographer:

The one only god of all, wishing to unite the inferior creation with the superior and heavenly, entered the womb of the Virgin; and when He had appeared in the likeness of the flesh, He established peace between God and man, having taken away the wall of enmity that had stood between on us life and divine redemption.

Thou, O most holy Mary! didst remain a pure Virgin after thy delivery; for thou didst give birth to God the Word, made like unto us in all save sin.

Heal the wounds of my heart, O Virgin! and direct the movements of my soul in a bright and happy path, so that I may fulfill god's will.

Hail, incomparable Mother of Him who deigned to take our flesh!  Hail, O most Immaculate Mary, that didst bring the fallen world its resurrection!  Hail, thou dispeller of sorrow!  Hail, thou that givest the faithful their Saviour!  Hail, most high throne of God!

The divinely-speaking Prophets, revolving in their minds the depth of thy mystery, O Virgin! prophetically foretold it, for they were enlightened by the divine Spirit.  We that now joyfully behold their prophecies fulfilled, we believe.

O Virgin! thou that art more admirable than all miracles! thou didst give birth to Him Who was made before all ages, and Who was made like unto us through His great mercy, for He came that He might save them that sing:  Blessed art thou, the God of our Fathers!

All generations of men, keeping to thy most sacred words, call thee Blessed, O most Blessed Mother! and sweetly sing in choral hymns:  All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord!

O virgin, that lovest holy souls! make mine holy, for it is depraved by the evil of sin:  make it good, for thou hast given birth to the good God and Lord.

The Cherubim and the whole heavenly kingdom tremble in reverence before the incomprehensible majesty of thy Son, O most Immaculate Mother!  He was made like unto us, through His ineffable mercy, and was baptized according to the flesh; and now do we all exultingly celebrate His divine Apparition.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, we don't hear this stuff. Looking forward to more.
