Genesis 3:15--After Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they brought upon us 'original sin', which is why we need baptism. The serpent is also spanked. He is told that there will be enmities between him and the 'woman'. This Woman is Mary. Satan is told that war will be "between his seed and her seed, she shall crush, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." These words have been 'gender' modified to be 'him' and 'his'. This satisfies the protestants to no end. They pretty much hate Mary, who is the only one to say "yes" and agreed to carry our Saviour, thus becoming a 'living Ark' of the covenant.
Luke 1:28, 'and the angel being come in, said unto her: "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women."' This verse denies her as being 'full of grace' in the King James and the newer 'catholic' bibles. They say: "Hail, O highly favored daughter." Totally different meanings. We're all favored sons and daughters of God, but she is the only one 'full of grace', something we are striving to be before we croak.
Luke 1:34, 'and Mary said to the angel: "How shall this be done, because I know not man?" This has been changed to: 'How can this be, since I know not man?' In the second version, she is denying that it is possible, while in the original she is questioning how it will take place. Another big difference!
Luke 1:46, This is Our Blessed Mother's Magnificat, which in the original is worth reading. 'And Mary said: "My soul doth magnify the Lord". In the newer versions it is something like this: "My being proclaims the goodness of the Lord." NOT the same meaning at all. In the original, it is telling us that if we look through Mary, we can see the Lord more clearly. In the second version, she is just stating what we all could say if we wanted to.
These are just a few changes that were made in scripture, and they are not worth reading if you want to save your soul. Now, onto more about this site. I go by the 'old' calendar of the Mass, mostly because of the fact that it contains more 'Holy' days, as well as more of the saints, which we do NOT find in the later 'Mass'. I'm not saying the new Mass is invalid, because it isn't. What I'm saying is that it is not very good if you want to save your soul, or if you're trying to find the Truth. It is more like a protestant service. I know this, because I was one. I even knew all of the songs, which were mostly the same ones I sang where I was going. A few years ago, I attended a funeral for one of my friends' dad. It was in an Episcopal church. Everything was exactly the as the 'new mass' except at their 'consecration' they said: "For many", instead of our 'for all'. Also, in my posts I mostly use 'The Liturgical Year' by Abbot Gueranger. It is 15 volumes and has every Sunday's readings and explanations of the same. It was written in the 1920's, and came out in English in 1946. I also have what I consider a vast library to help me help you.
And, one site I go to often is the following:
This site has it all if you truly are searching for the Truth. Sorry if this site didn't come up hi-lighted. It might be me. Again.
Anyway, my blog site is hopefully to help those searching for the Truth, and I usually show them as I see them, with my own opinion sometimes. Okay, most of the time. Welcome to all new readers. I sincerely hope you can find something worthwhile here to help you on your journey.
If you want, you can view my earliest posts and see why I converted. I think it's kinda humorous. At one time I said 'NO' to the Church, mainly because there was sooooo much to know and learn. I joined mainly to save money on my kid's tuition, and, to make a long story shorter, found out the Catholics had it right all the while. Since 1982, I don't seem to have enough time for reading and learning. Go figure, huh? I figure that Our Lady saw someone who was just stubborn enough, as well as being a stickler for details, to hold onto the Truth once he found it, no matter what, and she just kept reeling me in until I was safely in the boat, the Ark of Salvation. Hopefully, I can someday be considered a 'keeper'!
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