Thursday, May 29, 2014


Today is Ascension Thursday. Notice I said Thursday, NOT Sunday! I just wanted to make myself clear. It is always 40 days after Easter, and always on a Thursday. Those who hold the belief that it is not a Holy day are sadly mistaken, and are supposed to be leading us to salvation, and will be held accountable one day because of all the people they have led astray. Or, maybe, we should have Pentecost on, let's say, a Wednesday. 40 means a lot in the history of the world. The Flood and Noah, the Jews in wandering; Jesus in the desert, etc. 43 doesn't mean jack. 40 days after Easter. He fulfills His promises. These leaders need a refresher course in the Faith, or get a spine, or grow some, or, whatever it takes. Of course, we wouldn't want people to actually go to Church more than one day week, would we? We'll leave that nonsense to the Protestants, I guess.

Can you imagine being there when this happened? Seeing Jesus, leading the way with all those blessed souls who have been waiting for this day. Probably, St. Joseph is one of the first, then the Patriarchs, followed by millions (I'm guessing) going to the Heavenly Jerusalem. And, all of the angels that are probably present. The Apostles see this, as well as all of the disciples, and of course, Mary, His and our Blessed Mother. What a truly awesome sight! Then, to bring them back to reality, the two angels ask them what they're doing staring up at the sky. "He has risen, as He said." Maybe they are used to seeing sights such as these, but NOT us humans! In a way, this always gives me a chuckle when I think of it.

He ascends to Heaven from the top of Mount Olivet, where His sufferings began, by which we learn, that where our crosses and afflictions begin which we endure with patience and resignation, there begins our reward. Christ ascended into heaven by His own power, because He is God, and now in His glorified humanity He sits at the right hand of His Father, as our continual Mediator.

May Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph help us in our hours of need! And, deliver many souls this day, a THURSDAY!

Following is a hymn written by St. Ambrose, a Doctor of the Church, especially for this day:

O Jesus Redeemer of mankind, joy of our hearts, Creator of the world redeemed, and chaste light of them that love thee.

What mercy was it that led thee to take upon thee our sins? and suffer death, O innocent victim, that thou mightest free us from death?

Thou brokest the gates of hell, and the chains of them that were bound. A conqueror, with noblest triumph, thoiu now sittest at the right hand of the Father.

May the clemency lead thee to repair our losses. Oh! give us to see thy Face, and enrich us with the blessed light.

Be thou our guide and path to heaven; be thou the object of our heart's desire; be thou the joy of our tears, and the sweet recompense of a life spent for thee! Amen.

V. The Lord, in heaven, alleluia.
R. Hath prepared his throne, alleluia.

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