Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The news of these days is extremely disgusting. With our beloved Supreme Court, and our own state of Michigan, homo marriage is still the top topic. This is an abomination to our Lord. It is a disoriented way of 'life'. God said NO to men laying with men and women laying with women. This topic, along with abortion and euthanasia, rank on top of bad things which are going on today. And, St. Paul warned us that when the time comes that good is bad and bad is good, look out, the end time is near! Well, that time is now. Voting will be this week determining what marriage should be. The appointees of B.O. to the Supreme Court are for this type of travesty, so it will probably pass. FOR SHAME! And now, Medicare will cover those who wish to have a sex-change, even though they deny real illnesses, like heart disease with its tests. Man, are we messed up or what?

No person, state, or country has the right to legislate anything which opposes the will of God. However, this is happening everywhere. Well, what do you expect when God has been taken out of our schools, and even out of our countries. Our money has God on it, but what god are the baddies praying to? This is what we deserve! Prayers are needed desperately. For our country, and for those appointed to run it. Nuff said.

Matthew’s account reveals more about what to look for concerning the end times: “When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whosoever reads let him understand:)…” (24:15).
Are we there yet? Time is running out.

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