Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sunday after the Ascension

This is the Sunday after Our Lord's Ascension. What an AWESOME!!! sight that must have been. Jesus leading the way to heaven, and behind Him was the vast oceans of holy souls from the beginning of the world who have earned their place in heaven. Undescribable!
Apparently, in the Middle Ages, this Sunday within the octave of the Ascension was called the Sunday of Roses, because it was the custom to strew the pavement of the churches with roses, as an homage to Christ who ascended to heaven when earth was in the season of flowers. At least they appreciated things in their day, quite unlike our day when we are not even expected to go to church twice in one week! What an atrocity! We would be like protestants! Oh yeah, we already are.
Anyway, let us wait for the Holy Spirit, just like the Apostles did.

Lord, have mercy.

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