Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just reading

I was reading yesterday the one for Wednesday within the octave of the Ascension. I found this interesting, therefore I write. One thing I read which I will NOT put in is when the Abbott mentions about the whole world knowing about and celebrating the Ascension. Funny (not really) that our beloved bishops decide to NOT have people have to go to church twice in one week, so they had the Ascension last Sunday. So much for remembering and celebrating! I'm thinking, how about if we have Pentecost next Tuesday instead of Sunday. Any takers?

Anyway, here's the sequence from the 14th or 15th century from Finland.

"Be glad, all ye people, and sing our festive songs, for it is the triumph of Christ! He returns to heaven, leading thither the trophies he has won; and as he ascends, the jubilant sound of the trumpet is heard.
Oh! how grand is the glory that is this day conferred on the Son of God! The fruit of our earth is this day exalted above all the thrones of the heavenly court.
Like Moses, he enters the tabernacle, and people flock to see the grandeur of the mystery: the men of Galilee stand looking up to the cloud that received him out of their sight.
When Elias was taken up from earth, he gave his twofold spirit and his mantle to Eliseus: when Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave to his servants the talents of his grace.
Like Jacob, he passed over the Jordan, enduring sufferings of wondrous avail to us, and the staff he used was the cross. He returned to heaven with two troops,--- of angels, and of souls (set free from limbo),---and laden with treasures.
This is the mighty one, who, having conquered the gates of death, entered heaven with glory. He is the King of hosts, at whose bidding and presence the triple creation trembles.
The Father calls his Son to sit with him on his throne, until he make his enemies bow down before him, vanquished by force or love. He reigns in the highest heavens; he is to come again upon our earth to judge the consciences of all, saints and sinners.
Of come, thou avenging God! come in thy mercy, when we are to appear before thee seated on thy throne. On that day, show unto us thy wonted mercy, and give us to ascend to the endless life of future glory. Amen."

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