Sunday, May 22, 2011

4th Sunday after Easter

It's been a very busy week here. First of all, we had a yard sale to set up and run. It's kinda difficult, since we don't have a garage. Hence the name. Afterward, the takedown. Also, I needed to mow my lawns AGAIN! this week, since next week looks like rain every day. I am soooo sore and tired today. But, none the less, we move on. Today is the 4th Sunday after Easter, and we hear again from St. John twice. We hear about being swift to learn and slow speak and to get angry. All very good and interesting. I'm going to let the good Abbott Gueranger explain a part which I like:

...We were showing, a few days back, how the Church, though a spiritual society, is also visible and exterior, because man, for whose sake the Church was formed, is a being composed of body and soul. When instituting the sacraments, our Lord assigned to each an essential rite; and this rite is outward and sensible. He made the Flesh, which he had united to his divine Person, become the instrument of our salvation by his Passion and Death on the Cross; he redeemed us by shedding his Blood for us; so is it in the sacraments; he follows the same mysterious plan, taking physical things as his auxiliaries in effecting the work of our justification. He raises them to a supernatural state, and makes them the faithful and all-powerful conductors of His grace, even to the most intimate depths of our soul. It is the continuation of the mystery of the Incarnation, the object of which is to raise us, by visible things, to the knowledge of things invisible. Thus is broken the pride of Satan; he despised man because he is not purely a spirit, but is spirit and matter unitedly; and he refused to pay adoration to the word made Flesh.

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