Saturday, May 14, 2011

3rd Sunday after Easter

Today is the 3rd Sunday after Easter. However, it is also called the 'Solemnity of St. Joseph', the spouse of Mary and the foster father of Jesus. His feast day is March 19th, but today is a solemn expression of gratitude offered to him, the Protector of the Faithful, the refuge and support of all that invoke him with confidence. I know that I have lacked asking him for help, except to be a better father, or when I am working with wood. I will try harder to ask his intercession in all, alongside with Mary.

St. Teresa in the 16th century was instructed by heaven as to the efficacy of devotion to St. Joseph, and I will let her tell us in her own words:

"I took for my patron and lord the glorious St. Joseph, and recommended myself earnestly to him I saw clearly...that he rendered me greater services than I knew how to ask for. I cannot call to mind that I have ever asked him at any time for anything which he has not granted: the great favours which God hath given me through this blessed Saint, the dangers from which he hath delivered me, both of body and soul. To other Saints, our Lord seems to have given grace to succor men in some special necessity; but to this glorious Saint, I know by experience, to help us in all: and our Lord would have us understand that, as He was Himself subject to him upon earth--for St. Joseph having the title of 'father', and being His guardian, could command Him--so now in heaven he performs all his petitions. I have asked others to recommend themselves to St. Joseph, and they too know this by experience; and there are many who are now of late devout to him, having had experience of this truth."

St. Joseph, pray for us in all our needs

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