Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

Today, the Friday in Passion Week, is also dedicated to the Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother standing beneath The Cross, and with this her compassion. I was reading a book yesterday, and I found this comparison very interesting. Mary needs to stand beneath this Tree, just as Eve stood beneath a tree. One is under the tree of life but causes us all to have sin on our souls; while the other stands under The Tree of Life, which will clear us from our sins. And notice in scripture that she is STANDING, not on the ground sobbing uncontrollably. She is to be our bulwark of Faith and Truth if we ask her for help. I would like to end with this Complaint, whereby the Church unites herself with Mary's Dolours.

Near the cross, while on it hung her Son, the sorrowing Mother stood and wept.
A sword pierced he soul, that sighed, and mourned, and grieved.
Oh! how sad, and afflicted, was that blessed Mother of an only Son!
The loving Mother sorrowed and mourned at seeing her divine Son suffer.
Who is there would not weep to see Jesus' Mother in such suffering?

Who is there could contemplate the Mother and the Son in sorrow, and not join his own with theirs?
Mary saw her Jesus tormented and scourged for the sins of his people.
She saw her sweet Child abandoned by all, as he breathed forth his soul and died.
Ah, Mother, fount of love, make me feel the force of sorrow; make me weep with thee!
Make this heart of mine burn with the love of Jesus my God, that so I may content his heart.
Let me share with thee the sufferings of thy Son, for it is for me he graciously deigned to be wounded and to suffer.
Make me lovingly weep with thee: make me compassionate with thee our crucified Jesus, as long as life shall last.
This is my desire, to stand nigh the cross with thee, and be a sharer in thy grief.
Peerless Virgin of virgins! be not displeased at my prayer: make me weep with thee.
Make me to carry the death of Jesus; make me a partner of his Passion, an adorer of his Wounds.
Make me to be wounded with his Wounds; make me to be inebriated with the cross and Blood of thy Son.
And that I may not suffer the eternal flames, let me be defended by thee, O Virgin, on the day of judgment!
O Jesus! when my hour of death comes, let me, by thy Mother's aid, come to my crown of victory.
And when my body dies, oh! give to my soul the reward of heaven's glory. Amen

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