Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Civil War

Today is the 150th Anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumpter, thus beginning the Civil War. Let us remember those who fought and died in that war, that we can do the same type of thing these days; defending what is right and good, especially within the Church.

I am going to try to correlate, in my own little way, what I think about this problem. The Vatican II brought about with it dissenters who, like the Rebs in the Civil War, wanted to change things, not necessarily for the good of the nation and the world. The dissenters definitely changed what was good and right in the Church, bringing about changes which make us appear more like protestants, where I came from, rather than helping protestants become more like us and making them want to come into Christ's Church, the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church. So in this way, the 'rebs' won the battle, and have prevailed for 45 years. However, they will NOT win the war in the long run. Christ's Truth will win, if we remain faithful and pray a great deal. Heaven, help us. We've been in this desolate desert for 45 years now, straying away from God Almighty. WAKE UP! Maybe a 'Sherman' type in the form of Lebevre has been trying to lead us to the sea, knowing casualties will happen along the way, but risking all to conquer. I don't know!?

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