Sunday, April 10, 2011

Passion Sunday

Today is Passion Sunday. Jesus confronts the Pharisees and calls them hypocrites and liars to their face. He says that if He "says that if He says that He does not know the Father, He would be like them, liars. Man! Don't we wish that we had this courage sometimes? To confront our enemies with this kind of courage? After He says these things to them, He somehow disappears from their sight, because He knows that He will not die from a stoning. I would like to end with another appropriate hymn from an ancient liturgy. This one is the composition of St. Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers.

"Brightly shineth the blessed cross, whereupon hung the Body of our Lord, when, with His Blood, He washed our wounds.

Become, out of tender love for us, a meek Victim, this divine Lamb did by the cross rescue us His sheep from the jaws of the wolf.

'Twas there, with His hands nailed to the wood, that He redeemed the world from ruin, and by His own death, closed the way of death.

Here was fastened with cruel nails that hand which delivered Paul from sin, and Peter from death.

O sweet and noble tree! how vigorous in thy growth, when, on thy branches, hang fruits so rare as these!

Thy fresh fragrance gives resurrection to many that lay in the tomb, and restores the dead to life.

He that shelters beneath thy shade, shall not be scorched either by the moon at night or by the midday sun.

Planted near the running waters, Thou art lovely in Thy verdure, and blossoms ever fresh blow on each fair branch.

Between thine arms hangs the pendant Vine, whence wine most sweet flows in a ruddy stream."

Lord, that we may see.

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