Thursday, March 31, 2011

Half way there!

Today marks the halfway point of this Lenten season. I am posting this upcoming Sunday, the 4th of Lent, today because we are going to be away this weekend. We are going to Cleveland to "The Catholic Family News" conference. We will be hearing some very interesting speakers, including John Vennari, the editor of "The Catholic Family News"; and Fr. Nicholas Gruner, the Fatima priest. The conference is entitled, "The Kingdom of God vs. the kingdom of Satan." It should be very good. I will report later on this. We will also be enjoying Masses said by Fr. Robert Jackson of the SSPX. It will be nice for me personally, because, since my conversion in 1982, I have been serving and teaching how to serve Mass since the Ecclesia Dei indult Mass started. I really like to see servers doing what they are suppose to do. Maybe I will get to serve. I did the last time we went. It's quite a thrill for me to do so. If only the boys could see that they GET to serve, instead of "I have to serve", it would be much more fulfilling for them. We're really looking forward to getting out of Dodge for even a few days.

I would like to end this post with some stanzas from the Triodion of the Greek Church. Some good sentiments for mid-Lent. Enjoy, and remember, we have some work to do.

'We have passed one half of our journey through the holy fast; let us, then, as it behooves us, joyfully complete what remains. Let us anoint our souls with the oil of good works, that we may be made worthy to celebrate the divine sufferings of Christ our Lord, and to be brought to his venerable and holy Resurrection.

Jesus, he that planted the vine and hired the laborers, is near at hand. Come, ye brave fasters! let us receive the reward; for he that pays us is rich and merciful. After our short favors, he will requite our souls with his mercy.

O God! thou Giver of life! open to me the gate of penance. My spirit keepeth watch in thy holy temple; but the temple of the flesh, which I have to carry with me, is defiled with many sins. Have pity on me, notwithstanding; and in thy tender mercy, cleanse me.

Come, let us, who are in the mystic Vine, produce fruits of penance. Here laboring, let our feasting be, not in meat and drink, but in prayer and fasting and good works. Our Lord, being pleased with our labor, will pay us with that, whereby he, the one God, rich in mercy, will forgive us the debt of our sins.'

Lord, Have mercy on us

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