Today is Quasimodo Sunday, or Low Sunday, or Thomas Sunday. The Apostles were gathered, no doubt they were praying, and asking the Blessed Mother about what to do. Jesus appears to them, and confers upon them the reception of the Holy Ghost, and along with that the power to forgive sins. Protestants are wrong when they say that no man has the right to forgive sins, seeing that Jesus said it! However, Thomas was not with them at this time, for whatever reason. He, later, tells them that he does not believe what they have said until he sees for himself the wounds and touching them. How many people these days will not believe until they see a sign? Jesus tells them that a sign will not be given until the proper time. We are to believe, and then we see. Most people have this backward.
However, when Thomas does see the wounds and touches them, he says with great sorrow: "My Lord and my God!" We say this every time we receive the Holy Eucharist.
Once more I am going to enter something that we don't get to hear anymore from the Middle Ages. This is from Adam of St. Victor.
The world's renovation creates new joy. All creatures rise together with their Lord. The elements obey Him, and feel their Creator's mighty power.
Fire is impetuous in its flight; air is swift; water is flowing; earth is firm; light things tend aloft, and those that are heavy seek their centre: but all are now renewed.
Heaven is more serene, the sea more tranquil, the winds breathe softer. Our valley is filled with flowers; and now that gentle spring is come, the dry things have put on green again, and the cold a genial warmth.
The frost of death is thawed. The prince of this world is made captive, and has no longer power over us: By striving to take Him over whom he had no claim, he lost his own.
Life conquers death; man now regains what he had lost--the joys of heaven; the angel sheathes his two-edged sword, and leaves the passage free.
Jesus opens heaven, and liberates them whom sin had made captives of death. For this great victory, be glory to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.