Friday, November 19, 2010

Fall jobs

I haven't written lately, as I have been attending to my lawn jobs. The mowing is done, but the part which I don't care about too much is left: raking. I don't like raking leaves, but it must be done. Besides, I have many lawns to do this job to. Too busy to think about posting here. Sorry!

Today, my wife and I went to a funeral for the mother of a good friend. Non-Catholic. The service was OK, but I would prefer that people wouldn't assume that their beloved is already in heaven. Catholic churches do this these days, also. It's the sin of presumption. Anyway, towards the end of the service at the funeral home, the song "Amazing Grace" was played. While I don't care for it always and everywhere, it does have a certain meaning for me.

When I converted, I accepted that the Catholic Church WAS The Church of Christ. But, I didn't really believe or know all that came with it at the time. Over time I had an epiphany for myself; the words in the song mean a lot to me. About "How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed." It was like being hit with a bolt of lightning. It was so cool! And so easy to believe. It makes sense! It's like: Jesus said it, I believe it, it has to be true! It doesn't get any simpler than this.

Protestants don't get this. They tend to interpret everything that Jesus said to their own beliefs. I know that it doesn't work this way. May God have mercy on them.

Lord, help our unbelief.

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