Saturday, November 13, 2010

25th Sunday after Pentecost

Tomorrow is the 25th Sunday after Pentecost. We will hear some parables about how the Church will grow. The mustard seed, being the smallest of all seeds, turns into a tree so big, that, birds can build nests in it. Then we hear about the woman dividing wheat into 3 shares, which will rise equally. Could this parable mean the Holy Trinity? Equally, it will spread over the entire earth. There is NO place which has not heard about Jesus, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. It is now up to us to decide whether we will eat the Bread, which is furnished by the wheat in the Holy Eucharist. This is my take on it, and I am unanimous in it.

On another note, I finished a book yesterday, entitled "The Quiet Light". It is about St. Thomas Aquinas written as a novel. I got to thinking about this period of time, and I think modern society has it wrong. It says that the Middle Ages were the 'Dark Ages'. How can this be, since there were so many saints during that period? There was St. Thomas, St. Dominic, St. Bonaventure, King Louis, St. Francis, etc. It truly was an era of True Light.
On the other hand, the so-called Age of 'Enlightenment' during the past 150 years or so, is actually an age of darkness. I shall call this age a pantload. It is leading all away from the True Light of the world, Who is Jesus Christ.

May we strive to be enlightened by the Faith through the Holy Ghost, strengthened by Jesus Christ Himself in the Eucharist, and be accepted by the Eternal Father in heaven. Amen

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