Monday, November 29, 2010

More to come

I posted on Saturday about us trying to picture ourselves at the time of the Incarnation, and what we would think if it happened in our time. Today I was searching through my books, and I came across one which was written in 1891. It has a great thought-provoking reading in about the Incarnation. I will be posting this in its entirety in the near future. It is well worth the read. I swear that I hadn't read it before, because it uses the same type of think process that I wanted to convey to you. Be in touch later.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Holiday travel

Today is the most travelled day of the year. And with the TSA so diligent with their inspections, we all feel better for it. Right? My opinion is that you can choose to be sexually assaulted (again) by the government, or risk sterilization with the scanner. You choose. No matter what the government tells us about how safe the scanners are, I don't believe it for a minute. It HAS to be worse than x-rays, which only last for an instant. Maybe we should get back to travelling by train again.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. And remember to thank God Himself for all you have received, especially the Faith! I know I will.

Lord, help us

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Since I converted, I have never heard of this. Any comments? They will be appreciated. In any case, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

RORATE CÆLI: "The Friday after Thanksgiving Day indult ...

Just a reminder or, for some new to tradition, a wonderful heads up, that there is no required abstinence from meat this Friday.

While always a topic of great discussion, it is a fact that Pope Pius XII granted Americans a dispensation from their Friday abstinence, so that they may enjoy turkey the Friday after Thanksgiving. I say 'enjoy' turkey because that is truly the only reason he would have granted it -- the arguments over refrigeration and whether meat would spoil are rather silly since wide-spread, in-home refrigeration (as well as cable TV) actually did exist in the 1950s.

So eat your turkey sandwiches this Friday and give great thanks to a merciful God for all that we have to be thankful for. And, while you're at it, thank and pray for Pope Pius XII before you dive into that turkey, that he may be canonized a saint soon.

Also, there will be no posting of souls for the Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society this week. All souls sent in will be posted next week.

A reminder on how to enroll souls: please email me at and submit as follows: 'name, state, country.' If you want to enroll entire families, simply write in the email: 'The Jones family, Rome, Italy'. Individual names are preferred. Be greedy -- send in as many as you wish and forward this posting to friends as well.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fall jobs

I haven't written lately, as I have been attending to my lawn jobs. The mowing is done, but the part which I don't care about too much is left: raking. I don't like raking leaves, but it must be done. Besides, I have many lawns to do this job to. Too busy to think about posting here. Sorry!

Today, my wife and I went to a funeral for the mother of a good friend. Non-Catholic. The service was OK, but I would prefer that people wouldn't assume that their beloved is already in heaven. Catholic churches do this these days, also. It's the sin of presumption. Anyway, towards the end of the service at the funeral home, the song "Amazing Grace" was played. While I don't care for it always and everywhere, it does have a certain meaning for me.

When I converted, I accepted that the Catholic Church WAS The Church of Christ. But, I didn't really believe or know all that came with it at the time. Over time I had an epiphany for myself; the words in the song mean a lot to me. About "How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed." It was like being hit with a bolt of lightning. It was so cool! And so easy to believe. It makes sense! It's like: Jesus said it, I believe it, it has to be true! It doesn't get any simpler than this.

Protestants don't get this. They tend to interpret everything that Jesus said to their own beliefs. I know that it doesn't work this way. May God have mercy on them.

Lord, help our unbelief.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

25th Sunday after Pentecost

Tomorrow is the 25th Sunday after Pentecost. We will hear some parables about how the Church will grow. The mustard seed, being the smallest of all seeds, turns into a tree so big, that, birds can build nests in it. Then we hear about the woman dividing wheat into 3 shares, which will rise equally. Could this parable mean the Holy Trinity? Equally, it will spread over the entire earth. There is NO place which has not heard about Jesus, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. It is now up to us to decide whether we will eat the Bread, which is furnished by the wheat in the Holy Eucharist. This is my take on it, and I am unanimous in it.

On another note, I finished a book yesterday, entitled "The Quiet Light". It is about St. Thomas Aquinas written as a novel. I got to thinking about this period of time, and I think modern society has it wrong. It says that the Middle Ages were the 'Dark Ages'. How can this be, since there were so many saints during that period? There was St. Thomas, St. Dominic, St. Bonaventure, King Louis, St. Francis, etc. It truly was an era of True Light.
On the other hand, the so-called Age of 'Enlightenment' during the past 150 years or so, is actually an age of darkness. I shall call this age a pantload. It is leading all away from the True Light of the world, Who is Jesus Christ.

May we strive to be enlightened by the Faith through the Holy Ghost, strengthened by Jesus Christ Himself in the Eucharist, and be accepted by the Eternal Father in heaven. Amen

Friday, November 12, 2010 :: View topic - Exorcist says he can't cast out all demons himself

I found this on Angelqueen. It pretty much sums up a lot of the problems in the Church. I especially like what this priest has to say about our Bishops! Just click on the link. :: View topic - Exorcist says he can't cast out all demons himself: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I have been reading a book entitled, "The Quiet Light", by Louis de Wohl. It's about Saint Thomas Aquinas written as if by an observer. Very interesting, so far. Thanks, Kris. It is about how he came from royalty, and how his family wanted him to be royalty, not just a beggar monk. So far, so good.

Anyway, in it was a quote from St. Augustine which I think is something to ponder:

"Understanding is the reward of faith. Therefore, seek not to understand that thou mayest believe, but believe that thou mayest understand".

Lord, that I may see.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Two years ago, the slogan was 'change'. We knew it wouldn't be for our good. Well, the people had a say Tuesday. They said 'they' wanted a change, and they got it. Maybe we are partially on the way to be in God's good graces again. It was at least a start. Maybe more people are praying than we thought. God is STILL on the throne, and prayer does change things. Hopefully this trend will continue so that "WE THE PEOPLE" can get our country back! Time will tell.

Lord, have mercy