Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Pick and choose catholics"

People like Nancy Pelosi drive me nuts. Those who call themselves "Catholic". They are Catholic in name only. They think they can pick and choose whatever beliefs they feel important in their miserable lives. She thinks she is a good Catholic, but in reality, she and those like her are lukewarm at best, to be spit out by God at their inquest. I'm trying not to judge others, but it is so hard sometimes. I do prayer for their conversion before their death. We're not to wish for someone to "go to hell", because it is a real place, and God wants everybody to be saved. Just think how many others call themselves Catholic, with not regard to what being a Catholic entails. Either accept the whole ball of wax, or go somewhere else. Don't poison the next generation with your pantload of ideas.

Those like her mention that God gave them the freedom of will. This is true. This also means that we have the option to do evil. We're supposed to fight that option. We're supposed to learn about God and His Church, and pass this on to the next generation.

This freedom of choice (which all of us have, not just women), means whether to do what God expects of us or not. We should strive to do the right things in this life, because we will be asked and judged about them in the next.

I leave you with a prayer for others from the Liturgy of St. Cyril

O Lord God, merciful and holy and all-powerful, Who art the source of all peace and tranquility, of charity and gentleness, an ever-pure and good Father and Lord to all lovers of peace, grant that we, full of hope and humility, standing firm in faith, may, not only in love of Thee, but in love of our neighbor, welcome all and each with that loyalty which is the fulfilling of Thy law. Grant that, in our spirit of tranquility and peace, we may be true children of Thine. So shall we become worthy of the blessings which Thy Holy and Only-begotten Son has promised.

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