Friday, March 12, 2010

Do You Think?

"You are deceived if you think that a Christian can live without persecution. he suffers the greatest who lives under none. Nothing is more to be feared than too long a peace. A storm put a man upon his guard, and obliges him to exert his utmost efforts to escape shipwreck." St. Jerome

Do any of us actually think we suffer too much. Nothing we can endure is even remotely close to what Christ chose to do for us. And, there is always someone who is worse off than us. We need to focus more on what Christ did, and less on ourselves. You'd be amazed how you feel afterwards.

I will end with a prayer for others from the Coptic Liturgy. (for after Communion)

Be mindful. O Lord, of all those who have asked us to remember them in the prayers and petitions we now make in Thy sight, O Lord our God, especially at this time of the Holy Sacrifice. Be mindful of those whose memory is always with us, and those who are especially in our thoughts at this moment and in our present prayer. Bring them the grace of a strong and lasting defense against all that may harm them.

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