Thursday, February 18, 2010

Post Vatican II

I want to pass on a video which I saw tonight, which is very disturbing and encouraging at the same time. it is in regards to what has happened to the Catholic Church, which is barely recognizable these days, but will none-the-less go on til the end of time, just as Our Lord promised. The site is this:

It is 48:32min. but worth the sitting. It will enlighten you, especially if you haven't noticed what has happened around you.

In regards to one part of the film, mention was made concerning Holy Communion, and the abuses which have occurred during the past 40+ yrs. I know that the priest's intention is crucial to effect the Body and Blood at the consecration. Sometimes I myself wonder if the consecration is correct, whether Christ is really there this time. Let me go on.
After I converted in 1982, I was told that by my godmother that angels were present at the Consecration. Made sense to me. However, one Easter, something wonderful happened during Mass. In those days, I was commentator, on the altar, reading intentions, etc. I had just knelt and received Communion, and was kneeling there while everybody else received. This man came up to my left carrying a boy of about 3-4. When they were in the front of the line, the little boy points at the altar and says to his dad, "Who are all those people?". The dad says, "There's nobody there." Daddy apparently didn't have the Faith that the eyes of a child saw.
Now at that church, nothing was on the altar except the Tabernacle and the risen Christ. I truly believe that the little boy saw the angels adoring Christ in the Eucharist. They were there! Maybe these days they are guarding the tabernacle or waiting for the clergy to once again put Him back where He belongs. Mary Magdalene said, "They have taken Him..." How prophetic!
For all those who think that the churches are empty, maybe you need to rethink, just in case.

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