Sunday, February 21, 2010

Begone Satan

Today in the Gospel Christ is tempted in the desert. If Satan is so bold as to tempt Him(even if he didn't know it was Him), how can we think that we won't get tempted? At the end, Jesus says, "Vade Satana", or "Begone Satan." If you read in the Apocalypse, chapter 12, the dragon has seven heads. These are the seven deadly sins which could send the soul to hell for eternity. Fortunately, we have seven virtues to follow to counteract these temptations. They are as follows:

1. Pride--- Humility
2. Covetousness--- Liberality/Charity
3. Lust--- Chastity
4. Anger--- Meekness
5. Gluttony--- Temperance
6. Envy--- Brotherly love
7. Sloth--- Diligence

We need to say "Begone Satan" often and invoke the names of Jesus and Mary to persevere.

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